Remember the Alamo

The Alamo fell on March 6, 1836 after a 13 day seige. To commemorate the anniversary of the day, 16 PAX remembered the Alamo. We started with the Pledge and then moseyed in pairs up the road to the top of the parking garage where we circled up.

Warm up - 13 reps of SSH, Hill Billy, Arm circles, plank jacks, merkins.

Thang 1: The Blockade Runner relay with two lines down the length of the parking lot. Then, 13 squats and 13 WWII’s. Then we ran the Blockade Runner relay back the other direction of the parking lot. The PAX loved it. Then, 13 LBC’s.

Thang 2: Took the cinder blocks down the stairs to the main level of the parking garage for a modified Dora. 130 Ranger merkins, 260 sumo squats, and 390 LBC’s, performed by PAX in groups of 3. 2 PAX did exercises while one ran the pickle in the parking garage.

Thang 3 wrap up: We did some shoulder presses with the cinder blocks and air presses, then 13 hand-release burpees to finish the work-out.

COT: Announcements - Raleigh’s Mule CSAUP coming up on March 14th; TCP Sawgrass starting up again soon, see The Joker for details. Prayers - Kermit’s dad, Katrina and Liz both with family members passing away, Rodrigo looking for work.

YHC closed with reading the letter penned by William Barrett Travis in Feb. 1836 when the seige at the Alamo began. It is known as the “Victory or Death” letter. You should look it up and read it. Closed in prayer. It was an honor to Q.

See also