REFINERY lesson in Action

Men in these parts have gotten quite comfortable in recent weeks. Ma Bell and protege PBX had been sporting their “wife beaters” in true Kevin Bacon style. The pax have been a bit foot loose, over sure of themselves. 50 and 60 degree am temps can do that despite Puxatawny talking winter. There will likely be some baby showers come November and December. But this week changed all that. Subfreezing mornings, downright downpours in the gloom, problematic AOs were seeing a reprieve. The men have gotten soft. And under duress, a bit cranky and crotchety. Franklin all in YHCs face when YHC extends a welcoming hand to just met Coxwain, or Nabisco clearly upset with YHC for leaving him behind when it is common F3 practice to start on time, or Aristocrat’s tantrum at the constantly changing rhythm of LBCs, or Biners bowing up and making a stand against further burpees.

It was all futile. YHC has been and will always be a servant to these men. And as Q for the day, it is YHC’s responsibility to help guide these men to their committed goals. The tasks at hand won’t complete themselves. Galatians 6:6 says “…the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor”. YHC took some leeway here in defining “the word” for these men. They have each been my instructor. They have taught me, led me. And as Q, it was time for some “gentle restoration” (Gal 6:1) to their glory.

Warmup; we spent some time here. There were 7 in the respect category, 1 hated who likely needed some time to gather his bearings, and 1 honorary hated stepping away from his prior bedridden status. Old and young alike needed engines primed and warmed. SSH. imperial walker. rhythmic LBCs, Sir Fazio arm circles. Good am. Mtn climbers. Wind mills

Many of the pax were still clinging to the ideals of prior weeks deceptive Spring temperatures. Oh the temptations, flowers blooming, slight pollen dustings, talks of beaches and Spring breaks. But the burdens of Old Man Winter remain. It was time for the pax to take action, where they can take pride in themselves, without comparison. They must carry their own load.

Fresh from Franklins verbal assault, the pax were directed in the following: Jog to fountain, 5 burpee box jumps, jog to perimeter, 10 Merkins, repeat AMRAP. It was a test of will power and fortitude. The challenge was against oneself. YHC is sure there were the gazelles while others were likely penitent with their merkins or methodically stepping on the box. Regardless, conviction was present with each of the pax.

Will power remained strong. Pride still elevated but muscles were challenged. YHC began to see the stamina waning on each of the pax, and called for a change of venue. We recovered with a mosey to The Cary Arts Center and split the group. And with a gentle nudge, group 1 was off for 2 line suicides while group 2 AMRAPped abs, flapjacking. Hammers, box cutters, Homer to Marge, 6" hold, heels to heaven, windshield wipers, reverse LBC’s.

Men were gassed and given a moment to recover with 2 line Indian run to Waldo Road then provided a Billy Run option, starting in back facing on your six position.

We circled up for Mary, completing LBCs at various speeds.

Lots of silent prayers. Praises to Pax member with new job offer.

Bull April 1, Ma Bell and YHC would appreciate the company

YHC took us out

See also