Redneck Justice

12 posted at #ao-mon-ateam. 10 campers and 2 mall walkers. 4 EC

Mosey to the basketball court to warm up. With Hillbilly’s sister, let the killers commence.

Mosey to the guard rails: 1s run to speed hump top of the hill and 10 monkey humpers, return. 2s side lunge, 10 left leg, 10 right leg, repeating. 3x total.

1s run to basketball court, 10 squat jumps, return. 2s 10 left leg forward lunge, 10 right leg lunge, repeating. 3x each.

Mosey to basketball court. 1s run to tennis courts, 20 calf raises at the stairs, return. 2s 10 left leg step downs at the bench, 10 right leg, repeating. 3x each.

Run back to flag for Mary

COT. Lots of big hills on that 3 mile EC. Today is leg day. Thinking of you BaB with your upcoming Mortimer with 2000’ elevation gain leg 1. Hillbilly jokes on point on the heels of his sister.

What do you call a hillbilly girl who’s faster then her brothers? A virgin

What do a Southern wedding, a Florida divorce and a West Virginia tornado have in common? Either way someone is going to lose the trailer.

Forgot to share this one. How do you circumcise a hillbilly? Kick his sister in the jaw.