Redemption. And socks

It’s easy to become complacent. And get in a rut. We all do that from time to time. Do you ever find yourself only posting at the same AOs, week after week? Well, then weeks turn into months. A few things were in play that led YHC to grab the Q for Gran Torino for May 28. First of all, I’d not Q’d this workout since last year. In fact I hadn’t been here in months. There’s nothing wrong with it, I just was going someplace else. Well, maybe there’s a little something wrong with it, but that’s not the point here so I won’t go there.

Second, there was the Great Sock Offer by Chanticleer. YHC will jump at the opportunity for a free pair of socks. But these aren’t just any socks. These are socks that a member of the prestigious Beige Bros had deemed worthy of owning (and subsequently giving away). As YHC has also become something of a sock snob, this was an offer too good to pass up.

Third, there was the Great Shut-In Rant of 2021. A couple months ago at an SLT meeting, Shutty suddenly became red-faced and stood up on his chair. As he spoke, louder and louder, tiny particles of Bojangles chicken biscuit were scattered around his perimeter. We all got really, really quiet as our beloved Nan’tan publicly shamed the 1st F Qs for allowing, and I quote, our high tempo workouts to become soft. SOFT! Yes, Shutty has been traveling to other regions and apparently sampling from all the wonderful AOs which abound. High tempo does not mean running only, and we are soft. Yes - the land of EC, keeping Carpex weird…but NOT hard. I could hear his words ringing in my ears, like a David Goggins Youtube video.

This must be corrected.

Warm Up

Run to one end of the big parking lot, do Sir Fazio arm circles and Cherry Pickers. Run to the other end, do Sir Fazio backwards and Steve Earles. Run back to the opposite end of the lot, and do mountain climbers and calf stretches.

The Thang

Run loops around the lot (which we’ll never leave today). Start with the named exercise, then do same exercise x 5 sets each time you reach the end of the parking lot. Once an exercise is complete, PUT6 or do LBCs until next exercise is called. Exercises were:

  • Merkins: 5,10,15,20,25
  • Sumo Squats: 5,10,15,20,25
  • Dying Cockroaches: 5,10,15,20,25
  • Mike Tysons: 2,4,6,8,10
  • Burpees: 1,2,3,4,5


LBCs x 30, CF Merkins x 10, Have a Nice Day


5 bootcampers (2 respects) and 2 M’ruckers (1 respect)

Pigpen read off the list of Raleigh announcements through the end of ‘21. YHC took us out.


  • Most of this is true
  • We did cover well over 3 miles
  • Cadence was late. We did 5 burpees in his honor, while he watched.
  • My first choice of socks was on the small side, very disappointing
  • We got better today. We laughed, we sweated, and no one died. All in all a good day.

See also