Recycled Q

When YHC performed his final posting of the Old Q summary to slack, there was an opening at one of his top AO’s. It’s been quite a while since the PAX has been subjected to a Hotspot Q, so YHC signed up before sending out a fully filled in Qlist for the week.

Well, Thursday night rolled around, and there was a plan that needed to be written. YHC grabbed my dusty Weinke from the garage, and pulled out one of the many slips in there. Oh yeah, I remember this one. Dante’s Peak from May 12th, 2017. That’ll work.

No FNG’s today, but the disclaimer was read anyway. In fact, all the PAX should visit the mother ship website and read it once through for themselves -

Mosey to the big circle
Hackey Sacks
Pikes L/R
King David TT [2]
Merkin Count Off [3]

To Far Parking Lot
Shakiras, L/R
Arm Throughs a.k.a “White Man Hand Dance”[4]
Plank Jacks
All Stars
Scuba Buddah
Homer to Marge
Homer to Marge With Leg raise
Homer to Marge with March

Mosey To Shelter
10 Box Jumps

To the Ampitheater
Side Leg Raise
Side Leg Curl
All 4s – Back/Side/Up [5]
Leg Out raises
Side plank Leg Raise

To Basketball Court
Stop for a Mandatory Bearcrawl across the bridge
BTTW, Each PAX described how they like their coffee
Australian Mtn Climbers [6]

Mosey to the big circle again
10 Cpn Thors

Piriformis stretch L/R [7]
High Calf Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Butterfly Stretch

May 17 - Tobacco Road,

New Site coming on Wednesdays at Saint Mary Magdelene’s

Prayers for Sooey, who had some work done on his back this day.

[1] Thank you to Franklin for the “Hotspot Signature Move” comment. It gives me the warm an fuzzies.
[2] Apparently YHC has 2 signature moves
[3] MumbleChatter:Hey I thought you said no Merkins!
[4] So named by Red Ryder
[5] Yeah, YHC did them different for each side. He was berated, deservedly by Franklin. Keep it coming man. Never let the Q off the hook!
[6] Franklin:I wouldn’t have gone on so long about my coffee preference if I knew we were doing this next!
[7] YHC feels so much better later in the morning after some stretching. We need to do it more!

A few other points.
a) Big Thanks to Franklin for giving YHC a hard time the whole morning. That’s what makes F3 fun!
b) This was a completely recycled workout. I looked back and Monkey Nut was the only one who ended up having to do it twice. Sorry about that. I hope you weren’t bored.
c) Last time there were 19 guys. Only one repeat from 1.5 years ago. It’s awesome that there are so many fresh faces, but I’m also thankful to have some wiley vets around too.
d) Don’t go forever without Q’ing. It’s a fulfilling experience. It’s been way too long for YHC. I was shy about it because I’ve been nursing an injury for so long. The truth is, when you Q, you can just avoid those exercises that inflame your injury. so IT’S ALWAYS A GOOD IDEA TO Q!

See also