
Rumors have been rampant about a new AO in CARPEx. Was South Wake invading the motherland? An outraged Ma Bell, our local Nantan, was dutifully considering his options against this unprovoked sign of aggression. Under consideration were building a wall, a retaliatory launch in Holly Springs or both. It was determined that 3 of our own would skip SNS/Vesper for a covert recon mission before action would be taken. We arrived in separate vehicles to avoid any suspicions on behalf of the Q or his minions. Imagine our surprise to find that Yogi was the Q and there was no sign of Deadbolt, MFL, Stark, Brony, Peak Week, Moby or any of our other brothers from the South. We were still not quite ready to let down our guard, but as Yogi started to call out familiar exercises, including SSH WW2 (large quantities throughout) Burpees (ditto) 11’s with a twist Squats Parking lot mozy’s Arm work with concrete cores (strategically hidden) Plank work Dips, Irkens and Derkins Curb Merkin pyramid LBCs We soon forgot our suspicions and just enjoyed the camaraderie, the cadence counting and the familiarity of a good beat down. Yogi took us out with prayers of thanks for the support of the PAX in attendance as well as the continued healing of Gideon. Yogi has named the workout Tortoises, but don’t come expecting it to be slow and easy. We worked hard for the entire 45 minutes.

See also