Re-evaluating Life Decisions

Early this morning, YHC, Wrench, Flenderson, Two Factor, Jiggly Puff, and some random Maynard participants gather at the Cary Senior Center. For some crazy reason YHC decided to join in on the EC festivities offered by Wrench on Slack last night. We started the morning at 5:30 setting out for a 5 mile loop. 54 minutes and 5.51 miles later YHC arrived back to the senior center for the ME. I was beat and clearly questioning my life decisions at that point.

Quick check for new guys, which we had one and a pledge and we were off to warm up in the lower parking lot. We were missing Crimson, his driver did some EC so that was enough to push him in to clear fart sacking territory.

Warm up

Some stuff in the lower parking lot. I was beat and still recovering from the run but it included some Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH, and Mountain Climbers.

Partner up for Catch me if you can 

Run to far stop sign, which is approximately 0.5 miles. Partner one completes 5 burpees then sprints to catch partner 2, flip flop. Wait for 6 at the stop sign. Continue right up to the big shelter but with 5 squats instead of burpees.


In what YHC thought was a pro move on a rainy day, we spent some time in the large shelter. Start with 20 Step ups, 15 dips, 10 urkins, 5 derkins then run the loop with your partner. Repeat for a total of 3 times.

WIth your partner, complete Dora - 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 squats.

Mosey over to the kiosks for hill sprints. Sprint to the top of the hill, mosey back, repeat 3 times.


Hi-liter, helped a completely exhausted Q finish up with some Mary.

Combined COT with 13 boot campers and 9 Maynard runners. Welcome FNG The Fridge, a friend of Bubba and Yogi!


It was great leading this group on a rainy December Saturday. The main thing about F3 is all about showing up and being present. With the leadership of HIMs like Wrench around we can accomplish more than we ever dreamed possible. YHC hit approximately 9 miles this morning! Thank you all of being there to support me!

See also