Rainy Days and Merkins

8, er 10 HIMs braved the monsoon rains to crush some Kettle-Dora, 7s and 11s at Hell’s Bells. Here’s how it went down:

Warm Up

We don’t wanna get those kettlebells wet, so we convene at the shelter and triangle up.

Standard fare of: SSHs, Sir Fazio, Good Mornings, Overhead claps, Hill Billies and Merkins (on YHC’s down AND up)

Thang 1.0

Partner up, size does not matter.  Partner 1 does single count L-R step ups, Partner 2 works on:

  • 100 curls
  • 200 kettlebell swings
  • 300 goblet squats

Do a victory lap around the circle in the rain.

Thang 2.0

Time for some 7s.  We triangle up, 6 Rock your Bodies and 1 Tricep extension.  Continue until the numbers are completely reversed.

There’s still time left?  Ok

Thang 2.1

Modified Burpee 11s.  10 Merkins, then to your feet and 1 overhead press.  Continue until the numbers are completely reversed.

One more victory lap before…


YHC calls American Hammers, then we continue PAX choice around the triangle until the clock strikes 6:15


  • 1 Respect, 1 Hate, 8 Mehs
  • Announcements: Convergence for Carpex Anniversary on 8/30, Red Ryder-versary the week of August 6th
  • Praises/Prayer requests: Successful BBQ fundraiser by Kubota, Hotty Toddy with a successful work test complete, and continue praying for Disco and his M Kelly.  YHC took us out.


  • Crimson & Sooey were ALMOST late.  They were saved by Sooey’s watch.
  • Then Crimson & Sooey were late because the Sooey-mobile wouldn’t start after the beatdown.  Crimson said if he had been driving it wouldn’t have happened.
  • We triangled up under the shelter because there wasn’t really any way to form a circle.  It worked.
  • A couple HIMs made their first visit to Hell’s Bells, and hope it won’t be their last.
  • Frisco got a little more quiet about 2/3 of the way through the morning, including an epic voice crack at the end.  He pulled it back together for a strong finish.
  • Be a little better today, than you were yesterday.

See also