Rain? What rain?

Image result for rain

Even though YHC and the shield lock had already done a couple miles EC run and were fully soaked, it seemed like a waste not to use the parking garage the AO provides for some cover from the elements. So that’s where we headed. Here’s what all went down:

Warmup: No FNGs so I stumbled through the mission statement because it was being recorded for our Q of Culture and then recited the pledge before heading off to the parking garage on the other side of the school. I made sure to keep the Pax guessing by going down the far set of stairs. Circle up for:

SSH x 15 IC
Good Mornings x 5 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles Fwd/Rev x 10 IC
Seal Claps x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Calf Stretch L/R x 10 silent count each side

The Thang: Double 11s. Start in the corner near the entrance of the garage with 10 merkins. Run the length of the garage for 1 jump squat. Across the garage to the next corner for 1 plank jack. Then back up to the opposite entrance corner for 10 burpees. Work your way back decreasing merkins and burpees each time arriving at that location while maintaining the total of 11 with the opposite exercise at the other end of the garage. We were unable to finish before running out of time so we mosied back towards the flag.

Mary: We had a few minutes for Mary so found a little dry patch for some:
LBCs x 10 IC
E2K L/R x 10 IC
Low Slow Flutter x 10 IC
Have a nice day!

COT: Announcements- Duck Donut Dash Saturday.
Prayers/Praises- Good to see Bootlegger back out after taking a month off due to Covid. Prayers to all those still affected by Covid.
There may be a few more, as it’s been a few days now.

NMS: YHC tries to Q once every 2 weeks. I’m a little behind so far this year, so it felt good to jump back in the driver’s seat. I need to be better staying on top of this. Actually, I think I’ll go sign up again now. Thanks for the opportunity to lead. MIAGD!

See also