Ragnarok Begins

YHC decided that to get a nighttime AO that works with his family schedule, he’d just do it himself. After working with region leadership and painstakingly convincing Mongoose to help me, we toured multiple potential sites and decided that Apex Community Park was the perfect balance of variability opportunity, location, accessibility and parking contingency (if the park is closed). We also wanted to make sure there were some 2nd F options available in the vicinity… which with Ruckus, Southern Peak Brewery, and Brewster’s bar nearby we’ll have some options! It was decided last night at brew-a-teria that grabbing a beer after the workout is significantly better than coffeeteria…so take THAT, morning workouts!

On to the workout:

Ragnarok 1 Oct 2020

2000 - Welcome, Disclaimer, Pledge at the Melt Stick (flag)

  • One Direction has been EH-ing a guy for over a year and the evening option finally tilted the balance in our favor. The problem was, home boy was LATE. I saved him the penalty burpees but cautioned him that next time I would not be so benevolent.

2001 - Warm-up mosey to the Gladiator Pits of Sakaar

2004 - The Devil’s Anus (Circle Time/Stretching)

  • 20 SSH ic
  • 10 Sir Fazios ic
  • Calf Stretch (L/R)
  • 3 x Good Nights

2008 - Korg’s Revenge (4 Corners) (Lunge, Broad jump, Side lunge, Bear crawl between corners) all in the sand of the volleyball courts

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Plank Jacks
  • 40 Squats

Repeato x 2 (we could definitely do another round or two of these if FNG wasn’t late)

2030 - Short Mosey back to the Melt Stick (flag)

2035 - Mary

  • Captain Thors up to 6/24 (a Ragnarok Mary staple)
  • Surtur’s 100s (100s but with flutter kicks to really crush your Infinity Stones)
  • Total Request Live (TRL) - 1D chose Heels to Heaven, Mongoose chose this weird dead bird-like motion on our backs, Ventura chose a LBC/ScissorKick/GasPump combo, and FNG/Lopsided chose to make a fool of himself raising alternate hand and feet into the air from the plank position…we all subsequently started to eat dirt because his count was so fast.
  • Have a Nice Night

2045 - COT

Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama, Announcements, Prayers/Praises

“I choose to run towards my problems, and not away from them. Because that’s what heroes do.” - Thor: Ragnarok

NMS: Really excited to get this AO off the ground! There are some fun movie themes that we can bring into the workouts (I’m a massive fan of this movie, if that wasn’t obvious) and the location is great! The weather was great, the location was superb, and the HIMs that came out seemed like they enjoyed the beatdown as much as possible with zero complaints whatsoever! It was great to have a F3 Raleigh HIM join us and to start off the new AO with an FNG as well.


See also