"Rage against the dying of the light..."

Note: Since I just got access to Wordpress, this is a catch-up Backblast from February…

Seven PAX showed up in the warm gloom to practice raging against the dying of the light through the SVG parking lot.

No FNGS, so straight into warmup of Good Mornings, Side Straddle hops, Double Cotton Pickers (at Crimson’s request) and Imperial Walkers. Amid the MumbleChatter, the PAX moseyed to the hill nearby for the first Thang. 11’s with Merkins/LBCs, followed by double 11s with Box Cutters/Squats.

Another Mosey over the center of the SVG parking lot for Thang 2: a couple of rounds of Partner Carries across the lot, with 10x burpees at the transition point. Another mosey down to the coupons for Thang 3 and we ended with the Ladder Climb; Coupon Deadlifts at each parking line with 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 reps going up the ladder, then down the Ladder with 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 reps of American Hammers with Coupon. Spartan suffered a “Coupon Malfunction” on the return leg.

The poem of the day came from Dylan Thomas:

Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

along with an encouragement to keep on fighting, regardless of your age and level of ability.

We moseyed back to the starting point for COTS, Countarama, Namearama, and Announcements: There are three to four races coming up in the next few months: a. Bull Run (April 14th) b.Cary Road Race (April 14th) c. Spartan Sprint Run - Charlotte (April 8th) d. Spartan Sprint Run - Fayeteville (May 13th) with sign-up details in Slack.

Prayer Requests: a. Disco Ducks M who is still recovering from Neuropathy (nerve pain) b. Sarah, Blue and Out’s Aunt, who is dealing with Cancer.

Praise Report: a. Spartan’s M is recovering and doing well in rehab.

PAX: WWW, Texas Ranger, Crimson, Squatter, Disco Duck, Blue and Out, Spartan.

See also