Rack ‘em and Stack ‘em



I saw a guy merlot on Saturday doing these at Ambassador. Though it’d be fun to bring to FMJ.


7 sharpshooters hit the target at FMJ.

The Warmup

- Run up to the road and around to the elementary school parking lot for some warm up - Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, SSH, WG Merkins, LBCs, 1-Leg Merkins - Mixed run to the track

The Thangs

- Rack ‘em and Stack’em: 10 HRBurbees, run a lap 10 HRBurbees + 15 WGMerkins, run a lap 10 HRBurbees + 15 WGMerkins + 20 Sumo Squats, run a lap 10 HRBurbees + 15 WGMerkins + 20 Sumo Squats +25 Cadence Freddie Merck’s, run a lap

It is SO RUDE to leave your weights on the bar at the gym and walk away…so, to practice our etiquette for our next Fern…

- UNrack ‘em and REstack ‘em 10 HRBurbees + 15 WGMerkins + 20 Sumo Squats +25 Cadence Freddie Merck’s, run a lap 10 HRBurbees + 15 WGMerkins + 20 Sumo Squats, run a lap 10 HRBurbees + 15 WGMerkins, run a lap 10 HRBurbees, run a lap

- Run back to the flag JIT for 10 more HRBurbees


See also