Rack 'em

Here’s the set up:

2 weeks ago, YHC and the Nan’tan himself are standing in line waiting our pimento cheese at the festival and we’re chatting F3, as we’re often to do. We’re talking about the impending 10 (or 9) pack and how I’ll round it out with a co-Q at Phx. To the Nan’tan’s credit, he’s always thinking and says, “I have access to The Crick’s Q sheet, let’s see if it’s open.” As fate would have it, it was.

So, to The Crick YHC goes for an AO Q of 9 and a post of 10 for this regulation week.


  • Clown car with Hermes and Disco Duck. WKRP and Term Paper are here too (Term brought a pair of FNG’s ta boot… more on that coming up). YHC, Hermes and Disco get in a good 3 minutes of recon, the plan has been planted in my head.
  • Get the men moving for a quick lap around the field, cirlce up for:
    • SSH
    • 10 penalty burpees, 0700 means 0700 Crick regular.
    • Sir Fazio - over head clap - Sir Fazio

The Thang:

  • 4 corners (center of the field to each corner)
    • Corner 1: Bear crawl and merkins, all you got back
    • Corner 2: Lunge and ranger merkins, all you got back
    • Corner 3: Crab walk and diamond merkins, all you got back
    • Corner 4: Backwards run and wide grip merkins, all you got back
  • Have the pax form a tunnel, oh YHC brought the 25 lb plates and weight vest, so it’s a weighted tunnel of love.
    • Pax in the tunnel are in plank and various exercises throughout while 1 pax is pulling the plates and 1 is jogging with the vest (flip flop at the flag and come back). All pax go through.
  • It’s at this point that 1 of Term’s FNGs, an young guy (14ish) falls out. He needs water and is done for the day. Didn’t mean to put the youngster into the red so quickly. #grit
  • Keep your partner and log a BIG lap of catch me if you can (merkins as the exercise).
  • Partner Dora 1-2-3
  • Mosey to the pavilion, grab a drink and get ready for:
    • LR SU, dips
    • LR SU, irkins
    • Balls to the bench squats, dips
    • BTTBS, irkins
    • Grab another drink (the pax are starting to moan and ask “is it always this tough?”)
  • Mosey on over to the playground area with your partner:
    • Partner 1 B2W, Partner 2 hop the stairs
    • Flip flop
    • Round 2 right leg only on the hops
    • Round 3 left leg only on the hops
  • Final thangage, over to the hoops course to finish up with sprints and Jack Webbs.
  • The men are gassed as we head back to the field to wrap with Mary.

Mary: Stuff was done, most notably the Gronk Plank Jack… it’s freaking great and we’re bringing it back with us.

**COT:**13 and welcome FNG “Phil”

Announcements and prayers, YHC took us out.

NMS: Stay tuned for a longer NMS/BB from the entire week… and be sure to ask Duck and Hermes how the Crick boys were feeling after Kitty hit ’em with my last Q of the week… but hot damn, such good dudes out there! Will be back, great fellowship at coffeteria as well!

See also