Race Ya!

23 of the finest pax in all of Carpex-sub-region-Apex-Wednesday-bootcamper-regulars gathered in the gloom this morning for a non preblasted beatdown by YHC.

Pax pulled in with minutes to spare, EC runners caught their breath, and has 0530 hit we dished out the disclaimer, raised our hands to our hearts for our country, set our Stravas, and took off towards the school.

A long lap around the Bus Carpool loop and to the church courtyard for warmup:

  • Good Mornings
  • Hill Billies
  • Moroccan Night Clubs (modified from merkins for YHCs shoulder)
  • Side Straddle Hops

In preparation for Thang 1 we took one more bus carpool loop. QIC noticed the steps were quite dark so a small audible was needed (which is why we took the first lap - for safety assessment - learn from your nantan.)

Thang 1: Partner Race

Partner up with someone about your speed. While partner 1 runs the lap we just previewed partner 2 is going to do an AMRAP exercise. When P2 gets back they flapjack. At the end of that flapjack call out how many reps you and see who won! This encourages the pax to RUN FASTER so your partner can’t do as many reps as you!! There were 3 rounds:

  1. WWIIs
  2. CDDs
  3. Knee Taps (tap your knee to the ground)

Thang 2: Catch Me If You Can

First we ran a preview of the course, which again included the school carpool bus student faculty parent loop. Then with our partners one started to bear crawl the lap, the other did 10 flutter kicks and then caught their partner. They flapjacked and repeato’d until finish the lap. Fast finishers picked up the 6 (a Carpex staple) and then we WALKED to the next Thang. That’s right. Walked. Caught our breath for what was coming.

Thang 3: 8-6-4-2s

Have you called these at your Q yet? You should. Short sprints keep the group together and rock your heartrate!

  • P1 ran 8 sprints across the parking lot / P2 did LBCs / Flapjack
  • P1 ran 6 sprints / P2 did pickle pounders / Flapjack
  • P1 ran 4 sprints / P2 did Pam Andersons / Flapjack
  • P1 ran 2 sprints / P2 did V Ups / Flapjack

Mary: Plank-o-Rama

YHC hates plank-o-rama b/c he’s no good at it. When you’re the Q call the things you hate. Make your workout hard on yourself. If you call the stuff you’re good at you’re not bettering yourself.

See also