Raccoon sighting

Friday, April 6th 

No we really didn’t see any raccoons but you are now reading the back blast, so that is a positive.  While arriving last Friday I was greeted by an extremely chipper PAX.  I think his name was Bayonne, so that is a problem.  Although, another PAX that was less energetic was actually named “Chipper”, also present, so that washes itself out.

I asked Earhart how many kettlebells he had in his car the night before and it was actually half of what he mentioned.  So, the coupons I had planned for the Q quickly became Carolina Dry Docks.  We did have a medicine ball, so one exercise had to be ball 


We eased over to the picnic shelter for some Coon crawls.  This is a really good adaptation of the bear crawl while on long runs of connected picnic tables.  You start on one long stretch of the tables and only crawl on the seats all the way down the other end of the shelter, turn around and crawl back.

Next, we spent about 10 minutes on the baseball field doing some rotations.  Partner one did Peoples Chair and BTW at home plate, while partner two ran to second base for three burpees.  Then partner two continues to the center field fence for 15 diamond merkins.  Flip Flop and repeat

The last 30 minutes consisted of some pain stations along with some running.  Partner one stayed at one end of a large parking lot doing the following exercises.

  • CDD
  • WWII situps
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Medicine Ball Smash (Spike)
  • Curls
  • Spiderman merkins
  • Weighted Lunges

Partner two would run across the large parking lot to the shelter and back, which totaled around 2 miles once everyone made all the loops.  When partner two returned, he hit the next pain station while partner one made the loop.  Etc.

We finished with one round of speed Mary.



Dinner at Healing Transitions

Habitat for Humanity


Prayers for M’s that are sick

Prayers for Fathers that are sick

Remember to be less selfish over the course of the day


I appreciate the opportunity to have this Q and look forward to seeing everyone in the gloom.  Free Bird

See also