R-O-C-K in the F-o-D

This is my rock, there are many like it, but this one if mine…

…my rock is my best friend, it is my life, I must master it like I master my life…

…w_ithout me, my rock is useless, without my rock, I am useless._

After a two-week, work-related hiatus, it was great to be back in the gloom this morning. Particularly when it is at the finest AO in West Cary on a Tuesday morning – Field of Dreams.

At 5:45 sharp, 17 PAX began their pledge of allegiance to the flag. At that same moment, Lewis “Liverpool” Hamilton came flying into the parking lot. After the pledge, the group moseyed around the parking lot – picking up Liverpool on the way – and circled up. Fun was had by all as we worked through a series of SSHs, leg kicks (King David’s, Franklin?), Sir Fazios (front and back), good mornings, and everyone’s favorite, Ernie Davis Heismans. Everyone’s Heisman form has improved since last time – Biner, I can tell you’ve been working on this one at home.

THANG 1: Mosey over to the rock pile. PAX were instructed to pick a rock, one that was not too big or small, but just right. Everyone’s rock, or “buddy”, would be joining them throughout the morning. Up the hill we went with our buddies and throughout the upper two parking lots. All along the way the PAX enjoyed a series of enjoyable exercises like merkins, big boy sit ups, mountain climbers, penalty burpees (thanks, Liverpool), bear crawls (pushing your rock up an incline), curls-for-girls, rows, squats and much, much more. We even enjoyed carrying our buddies over our heads as we moseyed in between exercises. At last, we ended up back in the lower parking lot.

THANG 2: We left our rocks in the parking lot and moseyed to the soccer field / football pitch. Lucky 11s were in store – merkins and Turkish get-ups. There was a lot of mumblechatter and complaining (including from me), but we finished up with just enough time to run back to the parking lot, pick up our rocks, and banged out 25 rock-your-bodies.

MARY: Dropped rocks back in the pile and circled up by the flag. Franklin called for a set of Homer-to-Marge…a 37 count. Have a nice day.

ANNOUNCEMENTS / THOUGHTS & PRAYERS: Tomorrow’s post-SNS bread breaking is postponed; new Wednesday AO has soft opening next week in Apex (Lion’s Den); praises for Sosa’s new arrival; prayer for Liverpool’s 2.1 with an interview.

See also