Quiver's 2nd Year Anny - Heat 2 Q-School Theme

YHC (your humble correspondent) volunteered to take the overflow Q (leader) spot to maintain property Corn Teen (redneck for quarantine) protocol for Quiver’s 2-year anniversary Q. About 6 or 7 did an EC (extra credit) run. 16 were standing around more than 6-feet apart at 0545. Quiver led a Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and we split up into 2 groups: The rookies and the legends. The rookies follow me.

The Warm-up: Mosey (jog as a group) to the little parking deck. Along the way we discuss the history of F3, the mission of F3, the core principles of F3 and a little Freed to Lead book promotion was done. Oh yea and we discussed what the three F’s are: Fitness Fellowship Faith. Then we circled up and practiced cadence counting. “Next Exercise is… Starting Position Move! In Cadence, Exercise! ……. Recover.” repeat. Everyone called a warm-up in cadence around the circle. We then discussed some basics of planning a workout, timing, picking up the six (Six: military directional reference to that which is behind you, ie: the guys you are leading, also: your rear end").

The Thang: Partner up, Dora 1, 2, 3. 100 Merkins (push-ups), 200 Squats, 300 LBCs (little baby crunches). Partner 1 go run around that circle in front of the building and then up the stairs to the top deck of the parking deck.

Jog back to the flag, further discussing various F3 things. Circle up at the basketball court for some Mary (generally ab workouts). Each Pax(the guys you are leading) called a Mary exercise.

COT (circle of trust). 7 pax, no hates(under 30-years old) and no respects (over 50).
Announcements: TCP Sawgrass this Sunday at 2pm. We cut grass for 5 properties in DT (downtown) Cary owned by The Carying Place.
Prayer Requests: Term Papers healing, Snip has a praise for being released from his job and having an opportunity to find something better!!
YHC took us out.

Here is the website new guys for more information and a link to the Q-Sheets: https://f3carpex.com/links/

See also