Quite the Travelling Rock

I was psyched to jump back into the Q game for the first time since Gus was born… and today’s A-Team spot was wide open in the middle of last week. Couldn’t let Hotspot see that when he pulled his weekly summary, so I jumped all over it.

This was my least-planned Q to-date - which did positive work for my stress-levels over the weekend and helped the time management of the workout.

Warmup Cheddarbo (or Provolone Pam as it were) showed up with 5 minutes to go, but I intended on using the length of the park to eat up some time, so we still launched from Laura Duncan.

No FNGs. Nevertheless, don’t wreck yaself.


Mosey into the park. Pause for 15 SSH and 10 GM.

Continue the mosey into the park. Pause for 15 IW (*CAR*) and 10 CP.

Continue on towards the basketball courts lot. Pause for 20 merkins OMD.


Find you a rock of the travelling variety. Mosey to the tennis courts. ***note to the Town of Apex - we kept our rocks off the ground for the duration of this part*** Quick round of 4-corners with 20 curls at each corner. Repeato with 20 rock rows at each corner.

Mosey out toward the end of the park with rocks in hand. Continue on the path along the lake back to the mid-park hill. Rock squat hold along the way for the six. Rock plank at the base of the hill.

The Thang

22s with your rock. Rock Squats at the top, Rock Merkins at the bottom. (21-1, 17-5, 13-9, 9-13, 5-17, 1-21)

Plank at the bottom of the hill, bust out 5 merkins OYO to pick up the six.

Mosey back to the large shelter.


Circle up on your six for 15 Rock Hammers, 15 Rock WW2s, and 15 Rock Freddie Mercuries.

Mosey back toward the rock pile for 10 Rock Burpees OMD, then fare your rock well as your return it.

Mosey back to the front lot for COT.


COR - 17 NOR - 4 Respects, 12 mehs, 1 HATE

Announcements If you loved the rock work we did today, Nature Boy has the Q tomorrow at FOD. Memorial Day Convergence all set for 7am. Any veterans who are not yet involved, contact Crimson. WKRP is leading a clown car to the Crick (Brier Creek) on Saturday. Dinner at Healing Transitions on April 10 (check Twitter).

Prayer Requests Burt - BIL John for travelling safety on his way to treatment #5. Crimson - SIL passed away. Comfort for Crimson’s brother. Open Out - Ginger is actively in labor right now. Hi-Liter - father and his health.


Feels great to Q on a Monday. The rest of the week doesn’t seem so bad!

Crimson had the right idea with an appropriate travelling rock, but I didn’t want to spoil the rest of the workout.

Pre-newborn Q-ing felt like more work than post-newborn Q-ing. I think there is just less cares to give, and the work is a welcome break from the drudgier aspects of fatherhood.

Feel like I sandbagged a little bit with a fairly cutesy Q followed by tougher one. Ya welcome.

Some say there are still 3-5 rocks at the top of the hill, even to this day.

By my count, this was the first Jigglypuff Q to beat 2 miles.

If I fartsack tomorrow, it is because baby things, not because I could barely lift my arms to type this BB. #soft

See also