Quickies by St. Mary's

It’s late and it’s been a long week already but today’s Lion’s Den participants deserve a BB. Even if it’s a quick one. After all, everyone today demonstrated that, when asked, they can be very very quick.


  • GM, IW, Sir Fazio, HB, Overhead Claps, SSH


First, mosey to the bottom of the sets of hills to the North (or West) of St Mary’s. Been here before. These hills are short and sweet. Perfect for speed work. Working our way from left to right, AYG to the top of the hill picking up the six when you get there. Adding some exercises at the top while we catch our breath:

  1. 5 burpees
  2. + 10 Star Jumps
  3. +15 merkins
  4. + 20 squats
  5. + 25 LBC

The hills delivered. 10 counts at the bottom where definitely helpful.

Next, mosey over the weird amphitheater area facing a brick wall. PAX were split more or less in half alternating the following:

  • 25 WWIIs / AYG dips
  • 25 IC Freddy Mercs / AYG step ups
  • 25 IC flutter kicks / people’s chair
  • 25 IC Hello Dolly / BTTW

The quicker the better. Especially for the dips and BTTW.

Mosey back to the flag

Mary @ St. Mary’s

Merkins, stretches and a minute+ chillcut.


15 of Apex’s finest plus a few tourists

Announcement: Piranha Park opens Saturday

Prayers and praises for Yahoo’s return; YHC’s brother’s birthday and his family getting ‘stuck’ in the Maldives and Dubai for three months


  • Kudos for TrackStar hanging out for a few minutes in the hopes of someone showing up late so he could do some penalty burpees. True to form, Mr. Safety looked both ways at every stop sign and was therefore at least 10 seconds late entering the circle of start. 10 OYO burpees were joyfully called.
  • Then TrackStar left. Skerred.
  • Steaks and I made a bit of a life connection. Turns out the man is one of the coaches on my daughter’s softball team last year. Here’s hoping they end up on the same team again.
  • Speaking of Steaks… do NOT try to out run the guy on one of those hills near St Mary’s. He’s KOM and he will NOT let you have it. Ask Coxswain.
  • And when the hell did Coxswain become a speed demon. Imp and I had plenty of opportunity to count the treads on his shoes this morning.
  • One geocache found on the way out of town. It was one of Smither’s family’s. Red Ryder was giving me the side eye as I was rooting around the park near St Mary’s looking for, yes, a plastic pill bottle containing a pencil and a mostly dry scrap of paper. Some people drink… I try to find one geocache every day.

See also