Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 3 #4 Tortoises Block Party

Date: 12/16/2020 (Happy Birthday)

PAX: Disco Duck, Mr. Safety, Reentry, Roasters, WWW

#4 of 8 Q’s on the docket.

I got the to the AO early enough to get coffee brewing. It was cold but glorious for some body conditioning.

0530 and I’m ready to get this party started. YHC directs the PAX to the cinder block holding area to select the best one for them. Oh yeah, there is no difference. We gather our blocks and work our way to the starting point … the hill next to the building.

QIC/YHC gets the PAX warmed up with GM (control freak style), plank/runner’s stretch/CFMs/more runner’s stretching/Eskimo merkins. Recover.

QIC calls out the thang. 11s … Top of the incline (Rocky Balboas) and at the bottom (manmakers).

Once all PAX completed the 11s, we gather our blocks and work our way to the pull-up bars for thang 2.

Thang 2: Partner 1 does pull-us x5 while partner 2 does block curls. Flap jack for 5 rounds

Gather up our blocks again and head back to the flag for Mary around the circle (PAX favorite for 10 reps).

COR: 5 blockheads

NOR: Honor (1), respect (1), mehs (3)

Announcements: Oakwood 24 and food drive

NMS: Tclaps to Reenty for #4

It is always an honor to have the choice to get out in the gloom with you HIMs.

Coffee was hot and fresh and delicious.

52 years of existence today. What a true blessing!!!

See also