Quest for 8 Q Challenge ... Day 2 #2 Claymore

Date: 12/15/2020

PAX: Cataracts, Chewie, EarharT, Frisco, Happy Gilmore, Intimidator, Kwik Stop, Mama’s Boy, Pickles, Red Ryder, Reentry, Roasters, Suck Up, WWW

Day 2.1 of the quest. I noticed that as I’m preparing the workout, it is not that easy. I always try to make multiple workouts different so it keeps the PAX guessing. But I do have my favorite routines and the thang I have planned can be modified in so many different ways that it is not boring.

Today’s weather was so much calmer than yesterday because it wasn’t a torrential down pour (I’m exaggerating for effect) and it was drier except for the tiny bit of ice on the parking lot. I was a little worried but it worked out just fine.

As the PAX rolled in, to my surprise how many there were. I was surprised yesterday as well at Hells Bells. However, I’m always glad to see my crazy Brothers out in the gloom getting after it. I wanted to ensure they weren’t disappointed. 0527, I directed the PAX to my truck for some extra credit coupons. 2 pavers per PAX. There was no surprise.

0530 rolls around and to my surprise, no shovel flag … not! Site Q #1 Pickles was present but he was not in charge of the flag this time. That task belonged to Site Q #2 (co-Site Q), the man, the myth, the legendarily late and fearless leader, Frisco. Although he is late, he always has a way of making an entrance. As we go through the F3-ministravia stuff (Core Value, Credo, and Mission), still no flag. I directed the PAX to imagine there is a flag and we Pledged our Allegiance to Old Glory without skipping a beat. 0533 still no flag. So we roll out to get the party started. 0534 I see a car coming in HOT and quiet. It was the Frisco-electric mobile. Frisco exits his warm car with the shovel flag in hand. Low and behold, he did not have any gloves. This was going to be a cold one for his digits especially gripping that cold, hard, brick. I told him where his bricks were and I made my way back to the PAX for the warm-up: CFGM (control freak good mornings), plank, runner’s stretch (right leg), plank into CFM (control freak merkins) for 5, to runner’s stretch (left), back to plank for Eskimo merkins x10. Recover. Mosey our way to the tennis courts for the thang.

Thang: 4 corners paver extravaganza.

Round 1: burpees with pavers x5 (each corner)

Round 2: burpees + bent over flyes x10

Round 3: burpees, bent over flyes + curls x15

Mosey around the pickle and back to the tennis court

Round 4: burpees, bent over flyes, curls + tricep extensions x20

Round 5: burpees, ben over flyes, curls, tricep extensions + LBC x25

That’s it boys, we are out of time.

COR: 14 HIMs

NOR: Honor (1), Respect (6), mehs (7) + 1 rucker

6-Man: Roasters

Announcements: Oakwood 24 for Healing Transitions, Duck Donuts Dash

Prayers/Praises: Disco Duck and his family, PBX Dad and family, Bartman’s Dad and family, Happy Gilmore’s BIL’s father who has Covid, Frisco’s nephew Don Perignon, Kwik Stop’s job hunt.

NMS: #2 of 8 Q for the week to celebrate my BD & F3-versary.

6-man: Roasters

I’m truly humbled and honored to be out in the gloom with my F3 Brothers. 0530 and 30 degrees outside to workout may sound crazy but in our F3 world, this is normal and invigorating.

Frisco, I love you Brother but you need to get new batteries for your alarm clock. Other than that, I’m glad to workout with you this morning.

See also