QDR and only QDR


It’s been a, what’s the word I’m looking for? Weird? Scary? Exciting? Few day since the return of Mad Dawg to the Triangle’s number #1 country station, 94.7 QDR. With that, YHC felt moved to host a QDR organized (not themed) workout.

With tank tops on, and a disclaimer ta boot, we’re off with the bluetooth pumping the tunes.

Warm-up: Over to the lot on Walker for:

  • Good mornings (in radio DJ voice)
  • Quick feet x 9
  • Donkey kicks x9
  • Ranger Merkins (don’t google it) x9

Q: Over to the hill on the back side of DTC park for Quadrahill

  • Trip 1 at 1:00 up backwards down forward
  • Trip 2 at 2:00 up backwards and down forward
  • Trip 3 at 1:00 bearcrawl up down forward
  • Trip 4 at 1:00 up forward down forward quick pace

D: Dora 1-2-3 with Quick feet (100), Donkey Kicks (200), Ranger Merkins (300)

R: Back to the lot at BO for the request line of

  • Freddy’s
  • LBC
  • Hammers
  • Quick feet
  • Homer to Marge
  • Pickle Pounder
  • WWII
  • Donkey Kicks
  • Plank Jacks
  • Merkins
  • Burpees
  • Ranger Merkins

Welcome FNG, Poutine, eh?

That’s it. QDR and ONLY QDR

Prayers: The pax offered up friends and family (John, Duck’s M, Jason and Luke) for prayers. YHC took us out with this message:

  • Men, think about what He was thinking/feeling on those final days. He brought His 12 brothers together for fellowship on that night knowing what was in front of Him, yet he still did it. And then think about the pressure on those men, some who stayed with him and those who faltered. Think about that enormous pressure once He was gone on those men to carry out His mission. Powerful! You are my brothers, thank you for your strength every day. And go out and attack the day with an enthusiasm unknown to man.


  • Jim McMillan, 42, The Pelt
  • Steve Jodice, 36, Hello Kitty

See also