Q What You Hate

This Christmas Eve morning beatdown and 2ndF that followed was one of the most enjoyable mornings YHC has had over the past (almost) 4 years! Must be the advent season!

After a shoutout by Disco Duck on Slack, YHC went to work planning this beatdown (circa 1930 the night before).

23 Pax in all. Lots came stampeding in from the EC run. YHC had no gloves (because YHC was planning to fartsack being out in Durham at his father in law’s for Christmas)

0545 - Dislaimer, pledge, and we were off for the first lot on the left for warmups

#TheStandard: 10 GMs, 15 HBs, 20 Merkins, 25 SSH

To kick this thang off we honored what Frey Daddy was currently doing at the #Oakwood24 and we ran a virtual mile with FD. Up to the end of the parking circle, to the greenway, turn right, turn right at the power lines, up the hill back around to the basketball courts

PUT6 or partner up for 100merkins/200lbcs while we wait

Thang 1

Crossing the court stopping at half, full, half, finish with increasing reps: 2,4,6,8. We did:

Lunge Walk / Merkins
Sprint / Burpees
Bear Crawl / Star Jumps
Crab Walk / Squats

Pax were not happy with the crabwalks…..but neither was YHC. YHC HATES crab walks. Cant do em, they hurt, run out of gas fast, etc etc…so that’s why YHC calls them. To get better. Want to get better? Q what you hate. You’ll have to do it. And it will suck. YHC was last man across for the CWs.

Thang 2

Head to the picnic shelter for some AMRAPS. Q says to do as many reps as you can do. Push yourself. You vs. You. When done, squat hold. We did:

Derkins / Supermans / Dips / (might have been it)

Then we dipped out to the tennis courts where time was running out.

Thang 3

Half of the pax on either side of the courts. Using the tennis end lines as your burpee jump line. Jump over the line do a burpee. Run around the court to the other side, now do 2 burpees, run, do burpees. We got up to 6 and ran out of time. YHC had so much more plannned…oh well.

TOGETHER we ran back to the warmup lot, with a billy run to finish it off.

Aftter the beatdown 17 pax enjoyed a 2ndF convergence at the Starbucks by Costco since many were off work. It was great!!

See also