Q Week Day 4: FC

Day 4 of 5 of my Q week was set to be the most challenging (to not fartsack that is), the PAX seemed to be in good spirits considering everything going on in the world. YHC enjoyed seeing a good crowd out there this morning!
To start getting our hearts bumping, we took a run around the peanut, with alternating movements including:
High Knees
High Skip
WU also circled up for GMs, Windmills and Burpees (foreshadowing the future)
Finished with a run down the hill towards GLC Rd.
Main routine was the Paula Abdul, with Burpees and Frog Crunches, the PAX were to run two light posts, do 5 burpees, then run back 1 light post and do 5 Frog Crunches. The PAX did this up the hill, around the peanut, and back to the flag (no flag was present but the PAX felt where it should have been). Total was a lot of burpees and frog crunches were done, the PAX were split into two groups that were less than 10 (social distancing).
Once the PAX completed this, we head to the basketball courts for some suicides and additional burpees.
To finish, the PAX circled up for some drill sergeants, which ae a quick movement between your six, your one and standing. This elicited extended groans from the PAX! Also, we did Hello Dollys, Heels to Heaven and a 5 merkin Ring of Fire.
Continued prayers for Clementine’s M, TCP is still happening, see Slack.

See also