Q That Will Live in Infamy

YHC tweeted last night that this would be a Q that will live in infamy. It would prove a portent of things to come. For, in a cosmic coincidence of epic proportions, both site Qs actually showed up at Danger Zone. I mean, when was the last time that happened? Has it ever happened? Did they recognize each other? Also, Sputnik posted for the first time since Chanticleer broke his wrist at BO. Was his wrist tingling at the aforementioned Tweet omen? Then, you combine all that with both CarPEX 2nd F Qs actually being at a CarPEX 2nd F event the night before and…it’s like a double rainbow. WHAT DOES IT MEAN??!! So, you see, the Q itself paled in comparison to these historic events. But the day will live in infamy nonetheless.

YHC was determined to bring it when he heard that Big Bird said my Qs didn’t compare to the beat downs (or is it beats down?) he got in Raleigh. Oh yeah? Says who? Says me! Oh yeah? Challenge accepted.

Pet Sounds made the trek up from Apex to meet his YHC whom he had EH’d at Bond Brothers on Wednesday. This just leads one to the conclusion that we should drink more beer, yes? Retweet if you agree. But I digress. Disclaimer given and accepted. 0545 circle up for 10 x Good Mornings, Run to the bottom of the pickle and circle up for 50 x standard merkins. Run to the top of the pickle and circle up for 15 x squats. Run to the bottom of the circle for 20 x SSH. There’s your warm-up.

The Thang

To the sand volleyball courts, jog around the perimeter with a side shuffle thrown in. Line up on the near court sideline for some sandy suicides, with a twist or two. At the turnaround points in between each court, do 5 of the called exercises and end up on the other end.

1st suicide: 5 star jumps at each line before running back. Finish at the far end with BTTW and 10 x Australian Mountain Climbers 2nd suicide: 5 squats at each line. Finish at the near end with Plank-a-rama. 3rd suicide: 5 knee jump tucks at each line. Finish at the far end with BTTW x 4  10-counts 4th suicide: 5 burpees (crowd favorite) at each line. Finish at the near end with chillcut planks and 10 x J-LOs

Up the stairs and into the shelter for some fingerburphumperdips - 5 fingertip merkins, 10 burpees, 15, monkey humpers, and 20 dips - and other stuff

1 set of fingerburphumperdips 10 Ikrins IC 10 ALRSUs IC

1set of fingerburphumperdips 10 Irkins IC 10 Box Jumps OYO

Follow me to the bottom of the pickle facing up the right side. Give me 4 - OK, 3 - lateral lines. To honor football season, each line will sprint AYG to the top of the hill by starting from a 3-point stance on a down, set, hut cadence. GO! The first line had a false start. So when all 3 lines were at the top, mosey back to the bottom and let’s do it again.

Mosey to the basketball court and circle up on your 6 for some Mary

  • Box Cutters
  • Hello Dollys
  • Side Oblique Crunches
  • Freddy Mercuries
  • LBCs
  • And, my fave, Merkins

That’s it boys, you can relax now.


Count-a-rama: 25 strong Name-a-rama: 8 RESPECTS, some mehs, and 3 or 4 HATES - Welcome FNG Corn Flake! Announcements: new AO Wolverine next Monday; new AO Full Metal Jacket the following Tuesday; FiA now starts at 0800; F3 Dads tomorrow at 0900 Prayers/Praises: #LukeStrong, Large Mouth’s M, Banjo’s M, Earhart’s Aunt BOM: YHC took us out


  • Pierogi said afterward he was one sprint to the top from spilling merlot. Dammit! Why didn’t you tell me that then. We definitely would’ve done another sprint
  • Your Nan’tan was finally featured on an episode of #FTTF with Flip Flop (hey! another first for this day of infamy), even though I had to practically beg to be on. Though, come to think of it, I haven’t seen it published so maybe he was just humoring YHC, and Angry Elf really didn’t film anything. Oh well, it was still worth it #noshame
  • So, funny story. The aforementioned FNG, Corn Flake, was EH’d Wednesday at Bond Brothers. Bro signed up Thursday on the F3 Carpex website (of course, without an F3 nickname) before he posted for the first time today. Gotta love the enthusiasm. But now he has to go back and add his F3 nickname. Lesson learned: don’t get out in front of your headlights.
  • 25 strong on a day where we have 3 AOs is a testament to YHC’s Q’ing abilities. No, it is a reflection of how much we have grown and how much we mean to each other!
  • Try as you might, the incessant mumblechatter did not throw YHC off his game. Not even a little bit. Nice try, though. [Late edit: the GroupMe mumblechatter about the non-rhythmical “on my down” merkins elicited a response from YHC.  You got me.]
  • As always, it was an honor to lead you men. Thanks for showing up and working hard!

See also