Q on the fly!

Let me just take a moment and say this was a historic morning in the POGL. This one might be a bit long back blast but it was definitely one for the F3Carpex history books!

A little background:

Fresher course, just in case:

  • POGL: Peak of Good Living
    • Apex (/ˈeɪ.pɛks/) is a town in Wake County, North Carolina, United States. Apex encompasses the community of Friendship at its southern border. In 1994, the downtown area was designated a historic district, and the Apex train depot, built in 1867, is designated a Wake County landmark. The depot location marks the highest point on the old Chatham Railroad, hence the town’s name. The town motto is “The Peak of Good Living”. (Wikipedia)
  • Rent-a-cop:
    • A security worker (such as a guard) who is not a police officer (merriam-webster)
  • Mary: Six Minutes Of Mary aka 6MOM
    • An abdominal #Routine of no specific composition as long as it promotes #TBQ.  Inspired by psycho-killer with the 7-minute ab workout in Something About Mary.
    • Footnote: TBQ: Short for Total Bowel Quiver: An Exercise so difficult that a man kinda loses his . . .well, you get the picture. (F3nation.com)
  • Brian from Cary:
    • Popular weekly afternoon caller on QDR. I hear he moved to Apex and doesn’t call any more.
  • FFC:
    • Abbreviation for the Frisco Fan Club. More specifically, my shield lock.

The Mayor Discussion:

Earlier this week, there was a discussion around inviting the Mayor to a workout. So naturally this progressed to some good natured rivalry between Car(y) and (A)pex. Hello Kitty and How How were on a mission.

Hello Kitty sent a tweet inviting Mr. Gilbert to join us in the gloom on Wednesday. Unfortunately, he couldn’t make it on Thursday, but was true to his word and joined us this fine morning.

How How contacted Mr. Weinbrecht and received a response that he could make it out sometime this year. I think they are still comparing schedules.

Anyway, this wasn’t meant to be a competition. See F3 is more than that. It has been humbling to be able to see this organization grow one man at a time. In my 3+ years I have seen the growth and more importantly the impact of F3 on many men. If that requires a little good natured fun on twitter, then all the better. Cary and Apex are not greater than each other just like no man is greater than another in F3. We are a group, a community, striving to better ourselves and the community around us.

Apex High School

Apex High School is the weekly site for Dazed and Confused on Fridays at 5:30. This morning, just as we were preparing to start our workout we were asked to leave by the rent-a-cop patrolling the school. We complied without issue and quickly decided to relocate to Apex Community Park (home to A-Team Mondays at 5:45).


Unfortunately, Frisco had a conflict and could not Q this morning, so the FFC stepped up to assist. Crimson and YHC decided our workout theme was Q on the fly. How little did we know at 8:15 last night that it was such a fitting title considering the unplanned site change with caused a complete overhaul of our strategy, starting a workout at 5:37 (that might be a thing to balance 5:30 and 5:45 fans), and a special guest.

Ok, so now on to the actual workout.

DAC at Apex Community Park with a Co-Q on the fly!

5:37 sharp (you all know YHC and Crimson like to start on time!) it was time for a pledge and warm up run around the front parking lot to the middle parking lot for the warm up.

Warm up

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • 10 Merkins OYO
  • Calf stretch
  • Runners Stretch
  • Mountain Climbers
  • And a last minute request for Good Mornings (so we can have a great day!)

Thing 1:

Mosey to the rock pile and partner up. Partner 1 run the pickle while partner 2 does rock work. Repeato 3 times.

Time to mosey back towards the front of the park. Quick stop at the bottom of the hill for some derkins and a quick stop at the top of the hill at the speed bump for LBCs.

Thing 2:

Mosey to front parking lot. Partner 1 run the pickle. Partner 2 does mary exercises called by Crimson. Flip flop with mary exercises called by YHC. Repeato 3 times. YHC called one more additional lap before transitioning to mary.


YHC was explaining the background on ‘mary’ to our FNG and realized this was a gap for several PAX present.

  • 100’s
  • Homer to Marge
  • Other pax called some stuff
  • And of course had to finish with Hello Dolly (thanks Snots!)

And with that we were done. 6:22 sharp.


  • The Jokers M with travel
  • Cataracts
  • Levi (wrench’s nephew)
  • Folks helping keep us safe from virus


  • This was a morning for the history books
  • Closing COT today reminded me why we do this. It’s more than a workout.
  • Plenty of commentary above, but YHC is very thankful of this group of men. Keep push me and each other to be better. To be the light to others. We can make our families and communities stronger!
  • Coffeeteria at Starbucks. YHC got to call it?!


See also