Q-ing from the Sidelines

Flirting with Disaster was my first F3 post last August and I knew that I wanted my VQ to be here as well. It was a full circle as Joe Smith had his VQ at my first post and he was out there with us this morning. My goal was to cover some ground and avoid running in the pitch black (towards the bridge) as I didn’t know how may headlamps we would have amongst us.   It’s crazy how much faster the time goes by as the Q compared to as a PAX… I had big visions for the workout today, though we had to modify it a bit to fit the time constraints.

No FNG’s present so no disclaimer delivered. After the pledge of allegiance, we circled up and counted off, 22 HIMS present.  YHC forgot that the Q is supposed to get in the middle of the circle so warm up was Q’d from the sidelines. Freed to Lead, right?

Warm up

  • Good morning x10 IC
  • Side Straddle Hop x 10 IC
  • Imperial Walker x 10 IC
  • Sir Fazio (forward) arm circles x 10 IC
  • Sir Fazio (reverse) arm circles x 10 IC
  • Hillbillies x10 IC

Parter up and mosey to the stop sign at Cary Parkway. 

Thang 1

Catch me if you can, up the hill to the on ramp.  Parter 1: 10 merkins; parter 2: prisoner run until caught.  Flapjack along the way.  Q instructed for PAX to do 4x4s OYO while waiting for the 6 at the top. There was some confusion as to what those were so YHC found everyone doing LBCs instead. 

Mosey down to the round-a-bout at the professional center

Thang 2

Modified Dora: 50 merkins, 100 LBCs, 150 Prisoner Squats

Partner 1: run into/through the parking deck, back around to the front of the round-a-bout.  Parter 2: starts exercises.  Flap jack until exercises complete.

Thang 3 

7’s across the professional center’s  parking lot.

- Burpees at one end, plank jacks at the other.

(This was supposed to be 11’s on the big hill up to the Rehab center but due to time was modified on the fly.)

Mosey back to  starting parking lot (watch out for cars… felt like we were playing Frogger out there)

Since there was some confusion about 4x4’s YHC decided to make that the next exercise.  Made the mistake of calling it in cadence. That was a cluster resulting in lots of laughter at my expense. Audible for doing it OYO and then eventually Recover. No idea how many we did.   As Joe Smith said, “you start it in cadence and we’ll jam on that riff."

Next exercise was Body Builders x5 IC… Mostly just to save face and show that I can count in cadence in something other than a 4 count.

Circle up for Mary

PAX did a great job leading Mary. I believe we did some box cutters, dying cockroaches and a couple others  all IC x10.  Wrapped it up with a long  Have a nice day.



Count-a-rama: 21 (Texas Ranger had to take off)

Name-a-rama: couple Hates, bunch of Mehs, a few RESPECTS

Announcements: Sawgrass (3rd F -Carying Place) this Sunday at 2pm; F3 family picnic this Sunday at 4pm at Harold Ritter Park, home of Friday’s SWW ($10/family bring a side dish); F3 Dads next Saturday;  Odyssey Next Saturday; Triangle Oktoberfest next Friday/Saturday (If you’re not familiar it’s a Rotary Sponsored fund raiser, supports countless local nonprofit organizations…. come out and drink some beer/eat some brats.  If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Sosa)

Prayers/Praises:  Nip Chee’s aunt- In hospice program and probably falling asleep today; Yoga Mat’s friend Dustin who is going though a hard time; Mufasa’s coworker who is battling depression and thoughts of self harm; all those in the path of the impending hurricane in the gulf

BOM: YHC took us out in prayer

Thanks for showing up this morning. it was a much bigger group than I expected. I appreciate you all and what F3 Carpex has brought to my life. MIAGD!

See also