Pyramid Fit

Today’s Statline:  7 Pax #Insomnia EC, 10 Pax Vesper, 18 Pax SNS

SNS BB:  This workout originates from a documentary I watched Monday night, Froning (  4 time crossfit champ and proclaimed “fittest man in history”.  You see, there is great debate amongst myself and Don Ho with xfit lover Other Brother on whether or not you can call yourself fittest on earth just because you win xfit.  Any xfitter will say yes and any other sane person will so no.  Not sure we will ever agree but nonetheless Froning is a great guy, has an awesome story, and the dude is FIT.  F.I.T.

So I picked up some of his moves and dropped em on us today.  I wanted to focus on form rather than speed today.  I think we are getting away from form and I want to bring it back in.  We may need a Form school sometime soon like we do Q school.  Nantan put that together, k, thanks.

So 18 PAX, 1 Angry Elf with a bum ankle (and weighted vest!?!), headed into the park. Stopped at the crosswalk for a familiar Shutty Warmup

Warm Up:  10 GM, 15 HB, 20 SM, 15 SSH

The Thang:

Part 1 - Pyramid  Working on form I wanted to keep the reps low and let the speed come from the running (#froning).  3 pyramid sets each with an excercise then a lap around one section of the parking lot of the boat house.

Exercise 1:  Single Leg Squat.  (#froning) Exercise 2:  Boat / Canoe Exercise 3:  Standard Perfect Form Merkin Sequence:  5 reps, lap, 10 reps, lap, 15 rep, lap, 10 reps, lap, 5 reps, lap

Part 2 - 1 Way Pyramid To be honest this was just a filler to get us to the next part.  Probably felt that way, nothing new presented here.

1s - Run to top of the hill, 5 starjumps 2s - Freddy Mercury (Flapjack) 1s - 10 Squats, 2s Dying Cockroach 1s - 15 Mountain Climbers, 2s Lunges

Part 3 - Rocks and Burpees Pyramid This is going to sound easier on paper, I think, but it was a killer.  It will be back.  It was #froning inspired.  xfit they implement a lot of jumping over obstacles along with their burpee sets.  If you have a minute google “17.1 crossfit” to see their current workout.  It’s this x 10.

-  Grab a rock and put it on the ground -  Jump over the rock doing a burpee each time (5 burpees total) -  After the burpee set do a rock set lifting it from the ground to overhead each rep

5 Burpees, 5 rock raises, 5 burpees, 10 rock raises, 15, 5, 10, 5, 5, 5…


YHC got us back to the parking lot at 0630 on the dot. COR/NOR - 28 Announcements - The Bull 4/1, The Beer Mile 5/18 COT - Unspoken and praises for Biner’s M who is now home.  We hope Old Maid has vertigo and not a stroke!

NMS -  Do you even crossfit, bruh? -  I am trying to use the hatred of xfit to inspire, I hope it’s working -  Who would you say is Fittest on Earth?  And no brown nosing and saying nantan… -  IMO anyone that does the Mule is.  Yeah Mulers!  #getsome -  Awesome to see Containment back out there.  Go intro yourself.  I think since last we saw him I bet we have 30 FNGs… -  I did some insider trading with Flip Flop on the EC run.  Gave him all the dirty secrets of what was to come at SNS.  You should have been there. -  What happened to Term Paper where he need OP’s La Croix (or however you spell it I’m not googling it…) -  Who has extra La Croix in their call besides French people and Hoser? -  Get it, b/c Hoser is from Canadia?  Probably french canadian… -  Beaker might be french.  Have you seen that last name? -  You would win Scrabble if you could use his last name.

Great work today by all.  Wish I had something more motivating to end on but I don’t.  Proud of you guys?  no..  Love you guys?  Whoa….no.  This ain’t Monday.  Um.  You guys are upstanding men and pillars of your community.  Thank you for your attendence today. [handshake].

K I’m out.

See also