Putting the Danger in Dangerzone

The weather Friday was definitely going to play havoc on YHC’s plans. Lots and lots of rain was called for. Even the stalwarts were Slacking (presumably from the safety of their thrones) their concerns come 5AM. I had had all kinds of musical plans in the works!

Well, weather be damned. We were going to at least Bring Sally Up! Checking my Weather app and seeing a short break in the deluge at 520, I put on my shoes and booked for the welcoming embrace of North Cary Park a bit early.

10 minutes later, God decided that Noah needed an encore and the skies opened. Luckily I was under the shelter by then. Would anyone come? But slowly they did. By 545, six brave souls social distanced in the close confines of the park shelter while it continued to pour.

disclaimer: “I am not a weather man. But we’ll stay away from the lightning”


SSH, IW, MC, PJ, Merkins. The rain let up, let’s mosey the pickle!


Halfway around the pickle, and with what looks like clearing skies, it’s time to pick up an ego rock to take back to the shelter for some work. Just as we get closer to the rock pile (which is actually halfway submerged in what looks like a quickly rising creek), the skies open. Quickly grabbing our stuff, we head back with rocks held over head.

Then came the lightning

Burt was not happy. The site Qs were not happy. YHC was not happy.

It was decided that this BB may not be something we chose to advertise.

Back at the shelter, and with a few more cracks in the clouds, we got to work. Somewhere between 10 and 20 sets of curls, tricep extensions, overhead presses, rock rows and squats were done. Burpees broke up the monotony - starting at 5 and working our way up to 10.

We closed out the set with a very awkwardly counted 8-count rock your body. It was glorious. We did something like 10 of those but I don’t think anyone did it the same way twice

By the time we finished, the skies had cleared.


Obliques set. 20x. IC.


Countarama: 6

Announcements: Check out the new run/stretch AO at Measure Twice

Prayers: For Rose, For Elham, For Dave


Hope Ramsey makes it back to DZ sometime soon. It’s a wonder place, especially when you can get out from underneath the shelter and enjoy the gloom.

See also