Putting the blocks back

Saturday 1/18/2020

The Green Mile

QIC Wrench

PAX: Flenderson, I Pity The Fool, One-Four, Parker, Pivot, Snots, Sub, Wrench

7 Pax got started eagerly awaiting YHC to fight the fartsack. After being fashionably late, Parker had the Pax all warm and thoroughly disclaimed, we can get started. TY4YL Parker.

Thang 1: Mosey to the bus parking lot for a modified and cut short 5k, cut short for time for thang 2. Run the pickle up to the road, 3 rounds of 5 Merkins, 10 big boys, 15 squats. Repeato 4 times.

Thang 2: Parker was playing adult Legos with the blocks, and needed to put them back in the hiding place they belong. We mosey to the flag and Parking lot, retrieve the blocks (had 8, 1 for each Pax, like he knew it). We get to the stop sign and start with a block lunge walk through the next block of parking spots. Then an overhead carry to the next block. 5 steering wheels then an Everest walk to the next block. Then a mosey to the stairs, still holding these blocks. 10 rows, 10 curls for the girls, 10 overhead presses. Then AYG Sprint to their final resting spot. Some BTTW were observed while everyone got back.

Mosey to the flag. 4 miles, perfect.

Mary: Pax led, because there is no better way. Dying Cockroaches, boat/canoes, 100s (that got remarkably slower at the end), Peter Parker Merkins, Flutter kicks, American Hammers, Hello Dolly’s, Homer to Marge.

Announcements/Prayers/Praises: K2C, BRR. Sub and his continued job process, Ryleigh, Levi’s progression.

YHC took us out.

NMS: God had his paint brush out this morning, beautiful morning! Flenderson is pushing his running and doing great! Pax, not just the fin HIM of TGM this morning, but all across the F3NATION, are a huge motivation for me as I have been struggling here lately. I owe all of you a huge thank you.