Pusher among us...

Amazingly beautiful morning at A-Team!  Crisp & cool with almost daylight from the start…..

17 HIMs gathered – One FNG.  F3 intro given & we started with the pledge.  Moseyed around the first parking lot & crossed over to the other for:

The Warm Up

Circle up for good mornings, windmills, calf stretch merkins, sir fazio, SSH, etc.  Mosey over to the greenway trail for:

Thang 1 –

Straight up vanilla 7’s on the hill – descending Burpees at the bottom with ascending CDDs at the top.  Good work done here….

Mosey deeper into the park for:

Thang 2 –

Split into two groups – group one, suicides on basketball court while group two does BTTW.  Alternate.  Repeat with people’s chair.  Mosey down to the wooden guard rails for rounds of irkins, dirkins, & dips.  Continue back to front part of the park.

Mary time – Side plank star crunches, then PAX choice -  LBCs, Freddy Mercs, Merican Hammers, Supermans, & H-A-N-D. 


  • Count-o-rama – 17 strong.  Welcome FNG Pusher – EH’d by Cataracts

  • Name-o-rama -  4 respect, & some mehs

  • Announcements

    • Mother’s Day is this weekend!!  Do not forget the M!
    • TPC Sawgrass moves to Saturday to open up Mother’s Day
    • Sunday, May 19th – Burt needs volunteers to help for the Haven House Battle of the Bags fundraiser – see Slack
    • May 31 Carpex Anniversary – looking for 100 total posting pax across the region
  • Praises & Prayers

    • Saban, WKRP, Flacco, & others shared need for prayers for family & friends.

    • Unsaid prays on everyone’s minds

Wrapped with CoT –  I’m honored to be part of it – thank you!

See also