Pure Vanilla

I didn’t start out wanting to create a vanilla-flavored workout, but now that I look back over what we did, it reeks of the genus vanilla orchid.

A bunch of EC HIM did running, pull-ups and other stuff.

0544 Give the Disclaimer to FNG. 0545 Here we go

Mosey to the end of the parking lot where Dante Peakers like to warm up and get a little hissy if you don’t.

**Good Mornin, Windmill, Arm Circles, Seal Clap, Overhead Clap (Hey look who it is. It’s Duncan arriving 5 minutes late) 5 Burpees, SHH, Steve Earle, 5 Burpees

**Thang 1
**Run back across the parking lot and up the hill to the entrance with a little karaoke, high knees, but kickers and backwards running for fun. Mosey to the amphitheater.

Find a spot in front of the wall for:
1 Burpee; 2 IC Step Ups; 3 IC Erkins; 4 IC Dips
Move to the 2nd wall for:
5 Burpee; 6 IC Step Ups; 7 IC Erkins; 8 IC Dips
Move to the 3rd wall for:
9 Burpee; 10 IC Step Ups; 11 IC Erkins; 12 IC Dips
Move to the 4th wall for:
13 Burpee; 14 IC Step Ups; 15 IC Erkins; 16 IC Dips

Mosey to Shelter for IC 20 count Aussie Int Climbers and 40 count People’s Chair.

**Thang 2
**Mosey to rock pile. Partner up, grab one ego rock.

P1 - Rock your body
P2 - Lap around pond w/ 5x Pull-ups, Merkins, LBCs
Flap Jack


Mosey to Bear Crawl Bridge and, well, you know…

Mosey to flag.


**- Welcome FNG Heat Pump
- KK shenanigans this weekend
- New Monday morning running AO at the site of Tortoises. Check Slack for details. Hansen is your site Q.
- Tortoises 2 year anniversary is this coming Wednesday.
- DP has new site Qs: Two Factor & Hotty Toddy. Congratulations men and thank you Sooey & Red Ryder.

Prayers for Crimson’s friend and Yogi’s son

YHC took us out with 2 quotes from Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Jung

“The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.”

“Nothing has a stronger influence on their environment and their children than the un-lived life of the parent.”


See also