Pure 12s

This morning kicked off YHC’s 3 year anniversary Q3.  11 pax, 1.1 inches of snow, and 22 eyes rolled by Ms at 0500.

So yeah…On 1/5/2015 at A-Team a young buck took to the gloom.  The workout was tough, one guy talked A LOT, one had great hair, one had a doorag, and one had a dog with 3 legs.  There were 14 pax in total (Nabisco never BB’d all the names) and 2 FNGs (RIP fng Speedo, you came like 3 times never to be seen again…).

I don’t remember much but looking back now something stood out.  These guys all knew each other, laughed with each other, had great attitudes, and you could tell they enjoyed being there.  I was very “shut-in-esque” my first many few times, kind of keeping to myself, barely talking with anyone.  Maybe 8 words a whole workout.  But each time I posted I knew I wanted to be in with this group.  These guys were what made the workout, not the workout itself, and I could tell that very early on.  I’m blessed,honored,excited,joyful,etc to have found these Carpex guys and really don’t know what life would look like without them now.

Sidenote:  M had asked me not long ago, “after the kids are out of the house do you see us living inside the beltline?”  One of my first thought was “that’s a long drive back to Carpex!”  That was reinforced this morning upon hearing them Raleigh guys cancelled half their workouts today!!! Ha!

So anyways, this morning was awesome.  It reminded me of my first time posting but this time I was being a part of that circle of guys I worked out with 3 years ago.

EC:  #MeowMile (Friends Call Me Dice decided to drive in and missed the launch.  He caught us though.  Then later we picked up a Term Pappy, and then even later a Burt and Coney #2forthepriceofone combo meal)

Warm Up:  Taking it back to the bank.  Not sure how often you guys get over there.  It used to be the only warmup spot in DTC.  Was night to be back under the lights!

  • 10 GMs
  • 15 Hillbillies
  • 20 Merkins
  • 25 SSHs

Thang 1:  3 12s at the Bank

  • 12 Aussie Mtn Climbers on the blocks, lap around the bank
  • Callahan showed up….
  • 12 ALRSUs, lap
  • 12 Dips, lap

Thang 2:  3 sets at the Chamber of Commerce

  • Lunge walk the sidewalk
  • Bear Crawl the diameter of the circle
  • 12 Burpees*

Thang 3:  Train Station Merkins

  • Run to the train station and head to the platform.  There are 3 benches.  We stopped at each one for a set of 12 Merkins.
  • Again, very 2nd F pace :)

Thang 4:  Pure 12s.

  • Run to the Pure Gold parking lot for a set of 12s.  Monkey Humpers at the bottom, Hello Dollys at the top
  • I think we got to about 7 or 8 on the count up and due man factors (see NMS) I cancelled it and we moved on.

Thang 5:  Balls to La Farm

  • Partner up where partner 1 does BTTW, partner 2 does Mary
  • Mary:  12 Flutters / flapjack / 12 Heels to Heaven / flap / 12 Freddies / jack.

Thang 6:  Fellowship pace back to the flag, we’re done here.


  • For some reason 24 degrees was colder than 14 yesterday?!  The MeowMile warmed me up quick though.
  • Thanks Burt for the Fireball.  I’m excited to find someone to drink those!
  • Get this, Flip Flop, after hitting the slopes of Carpex it looked like, was wearing my name tag from the Christmas Party!?  I have no idea how he had it (and kept it this long) but it was a pretty cool gesture nonetheless!  Thanks FF!
  • During Warm Up we just see a car go by, Hermes goes, “there goes Callahan” as in making fun of Callahan for always being late (#signaturemove).  He had no idea it was Callahan.  But sure nough!!  Here he comes strolling up to the party.
  • That’s another good reason to warm up at the bank.  Easily spotted from all angles for the latecomers.
  • Once we hit up the chamber of commerce and took our first lap I realized this was a 2nd F kind of day.  The pace was a smidge slow.  Mouths moving faster than legs.
  • Decided then let’s just enjoy that 2ndF and sure, get a workout in.  The pax had already decided that’s what they were going to do anyways haha!
  • Pure Gold wasn’t on my list of stops until Burt requested it last night.
  • The humpers and dollys theme was as good as the creativity in my Q got…
  • and it was the most boring except the chatter.
  • There’s a lot of chatter working out in a strip club parking lot…just trust me here.
  • Highlight of that, however, was cancelling our ladder we were doing.
  • Why?
  • Because Callahan was out in front!
  • It’s like I was the pole vaulter walking across the track during Callahan’s final lap and just straight tripped him and instead of winning he got a DNF.
  • My bad but the Q is a crowd pleaser today and he knows when the pax are bored.  (Besides the fact that after I cancelled it and called it bored Burt added, “glad you said what I was thinking!”).
  • Final note was Hermes noticing a LOT, and I mean a lot, of parking spaces had no snow on them.  What time did it stop snowing??  Some guys getting out of PG LATE last night!  Probably getting some of the girls home.  What gentlemen…
  • Then lastly our faithful Site Q decided it was time to make it #TTT!  He stripped (ironically right after the strip club) thinking we were headed back to the flag.
  • Uh nope.  Looks like you gotta tough it out now for some fun at La Farm.
  • And you did.  Well done Term Paper!

It was fun guys.  I said all I was gonna say at the top.  Thanks for a great 3 years!

See also