Puke, Tanks, and Cadence; That's how Wonderbread rolls.

Date:    May 10, 2018 QIC:      Wonderbread AO:       F3; Bounty Hunters Pax:      Disco Duck, Rooney, Orphan, Grease Monkey, Yoda, Orwell, Nerf, Burger Feet, Denali, Marmalade, Imp, Largemouth, Banjo, Freebird, GTL, Shut-In, Crimson, Red Ryder, Sosa, Intimidator, Queequeg, Oxtail, Flacco, Frisco, Smokey, Wonderbread


Well it was almost time.  VQ round 2 and no snowstorms in the forecast.  The night before my first full Q.  And after almost four years since my first AO at a Denali and Greese Monkey co-Q at A-Team, it was well past time.   10:30 p.m. and I had everything set.  Clothes laid out.  Watch charged.  Workout regimen finalized.  Alarm set and doubled and triple checked.   Had already come to terms with Respect Burt calling an audible and bailing on his Highwoods brother to head (with tanks) on Tank Top Thursday to Hello Kitty Q at BO.  I was focused and ready.  Just needed to get to bed.  But then all of a sudden, that all too familiar sound when you have four kids in 10 years, I hear the M running upstairs, door fly open, an “OMG”, and the lovely sounds of a three year old projectile vomiting all over his room.  Deep breadth. Run upstairs with pot in hand and ready to contend with the aftermath.  Etc., Etc,, Etc.  After four more vomits at approximately 11 p.m., 1 a.m., 2 a.m., and 3 a.m., your humble correspondent is up and Adam at 5 a.m. ready to go and ready to get after it.

And so get after it I did.  Circling up at 5:45.  No FNG’s.  And after the gauntlet being thrown down by the BO PAX, BH proved their mettle and showed in full TTT mode.  Pictorial evidence already delivered.  An initial Counterama of 24 and then someone reminded me to add myself to make 25 and then a just in time arrival by Grease Monkey (who I believe actually gave me the name Wonderbread; Thanks Grease!) and we had 26.


  • Side Straddle Hop
  • Imperial Walker
  • Mountain Climbers (PAX begin to get restless over Q’s Cadence skills (or lack thereof))
  • Standard Merkins
  • Mosey Lap around back side of Hunter Street Park

The Thang 1 - Bringing the Pain

  • Ascending Curb Crawl (Found a nice parking lot.  PAX lined up on one side.  On their own. Bear Crawled to other side, turned & placed feet on curb to complete one Derkin, crawled back and completed two Derkins, and continued to 10)
  • Some Idle Time Squat Holds

The Thang 2 - Bringing the Burpees

  • 11’s - Star Jumps and Burpees (relocated to the baseball diamond.  Started at the backstop with Star Jumps and ran to the outfield fence for the Burpees)
  • Some Idle Time Planks

The Thang 3 - Destroying the Cadence

  • Dips (after relocating to the bleachers)
  • Left Right Step Ups

It was at this point that the dissension in the ranks grew from a till then underlying mumble chatter to a much louder (shall we say) fraternal correction.   But YHC regrouped, quelled the insurrection, and marshaled on.  Like I said, I am getting after it.


  • Cool down run back to the flag and the need to Q shop begins to be discussed.  Among others concerns, Crimson does not like to run.
  • LBC’s
  • leg holds


  • F3 Memorial Day Convergence.  Trying to get as many veterans out as possible.

Pray Requests

  • Burt and his aunt who passed away
  • Grease Monkey’s mother
  • Anonymous BH F3 Brother (My Apologies - I forget) - Has interview for a job coming up on Monday and we pray for his success.


I do believe that if you try to persevere and don’t give up on what really matters in life, that God will provide you with the help you need along the way.  One of the major problems us men have is that we often times just give up.  Within the last year, I have realized that F3 is God’s help to me and so many others.  Frankly, F3 is a Godsend.  As I said this morning, you all are great men.  I am privileged to know you and to be improved by you.  Special thanks to the 25 PAX that showed up this morning and made my first full Q so memorable and fun.  Cheers!