Prop-less. Vanilla.

Forget bananas, sprinkles, waffle cones, sauces (chocolate, caramel, or Nutella).  Not even whipped cream or a cherry.  Just a 2.5 gallon bucket of store-brand vanilla.  After Parker needled me yesterday at Wolverine for bringing the sled (“I shouldn’t have been surprised that there was a sled hidden in the dark-er part of the AO, you always use props”…or something like that), I decided today would be just me, the PAX, and the AO.  I guess I can always save the “Band of Brothers” Cos-play workout idea for another time, c’est la vie.  But how to deliver a proper beatdown without the use of any extras?  Well, the distance record at FOD is still Nature Boy’s “limited warm-up, just run around the baseball fields doing merkins” workout, so there’s always that.

Beaker’s Beginnings (The Warm-up)

Top-o’-the-mornin - 4 leaf clover through all four parking lots with side shuffles, high knees, butt kickers, backward run, and karaoke sprinkled in, ending at the upper baseball for

20x SSH

10x IW

10x King David’s

10x Good mornings

10x Sir Fazio Arm Circles

Beaker’s Beatdown (The Thang)

AMRAP burpees for 1-minute

Jog back down to the flag to prepare for some circuits.

Station 1 = 10 merkins

Station 2 = 20 LBCs

Station 3 = 5 pull-ups

Station 4 = 10 each of Bis, Tris, and Presses with rocks

Jogging between the stations, I have the total loop at about 1/3 mile.  Keep going until YHC calls time, which I did at 0620 to pick up the 6 by 0625 for…

Beaker’s Bellies (The Mary)

20x American Hammers

10x Box cutters

10x Hello Dolly

10x WWIIs

Beaker’s Benediction (The COT)



-The Odyssey 10/20

-VQ week

-Gran Turino and Back in Black

Sooey is leading a mentored Q at DP this Friday.  It’s like the gentler, more constructive, and better-received version of what Frisco got at DZ.

-Whiplash triple-down


-Whiplash triple-down

YHC took us out

Beaker’s BS (The NMS)

  • It’s really quite satisfying when you’ve conditioned the PAX to beat downs and they approach the AO with fear and trepidation and a healthy dose of cautionary respect.  For example, PBX at yesterday’s COT, “are you bringing the sled to FOD”.  Me, “No, but I guess I could”.  PBX upon arriving today, “You don’t have that damn sled here do you.”  Me, “No”.  PBX, “Yeah, but it was hidden somewhere yesterday”.  I feel like my work is done here.
  • Another example.  For the 1-minute AMRAP burpee extravaganza, I stated that for all the PAX who had ever wondered just how many burpees they could do in 1-minute at the start a workout, today was their day.  Then, before Mary, I began to state that for all the PAX that had ever wondered just how many burpees they could do in 1 minute at the end of a workout……..but couldn’t get to the “today is not your day” part due to the moaning and sound of torches being lit
  • I was very surprised to learn that not many PAX wonder about such things
  • It’s 29 by-the-way.  With two time checks.  So really like 40.
  • King David’s are not the exercise to call when the PAX are pissed at you for an extraordinarily long warm-up mosey, they kick with vigor and close the circle……
  • Hotty Toddy’s SSH form was reminiscent of Nature Boy, let’s hope his sub-60 temperature apparel is not
  • Ezekiel blew out his calf today, which had just recovered…..from my last Q.  I am really sorry.
  • I think it’s time for the site Qs to reach out to TOC to figure out why the path around the baseball fields is still fenced.  Demand action!  This would never stand if Hotspot were the site Q.
  • Banjo wore a 20lb ruck today.  Another kick-a$$ Carpex Respect, just sayin'
  • 26 is a hefty dose of PAX.  The aforementioned Respects may have their superpowers, mine is remembering 26 names for the BB without taking notes or recording the Name-o-Rama
  • I can’t believe we’ve gone from not even 1 AO per weekday to 3+ per weekday in my time, likely with more to come…just don’t suggest that they start earlier than 0545 or Franklin will punch you in the face.
  • Liverpool clocked us between 3 and 3.5 miles.  Mission.  Accomplished.

See also