Prodigal Sun Rise

Following through on my standing offer to write your backblast if you Q at Back-in-Black:

Prodigal is your QIC, and he brings his own party (Trident and Drago). Chops solo ECs. Puzzles, fresh off his highly successful VQ at FWD, arrives on bike.

Thing 1: 10 burpees, 10 lunges, 10 WW2s, run the pickle, 9 burpees, 9 lunges, 9 WW2s, etc. Prodigal laps everyone.

Thing 2: Pearls on a string Indian run halfway around the lake. Classic Hermes mumblechatter in full effect.

Thing 3: Mosey back to the parking lot. 50 calf raises, run the pickle, 40 calf raises, run the pickle, etc.

Mary, COT, Prodigal takes us out. Coffee at NYBIII for everyone with a car.


Prodigal is a fisher of men, and an excellent Q.

Great to see Trident and Drago at BiB.

Beautiful sunrise over the lake. Not sure if Saharan dust is still a thing.

Happy F3 anniversary to Lookout and Wrench across town.

We miss co-Site Q Lite Brite and all the other brothers whose circumstances require them to remain at home.

Carpex’s Nolan Ryan, Riptide, has your Q at BiB next week. Guaranteed to bring his fastball, and you might just see a no-hitter.

See also