Prodigal No-Show

Today was supposed to be the triumphant return to the Q of DZ’s own prodigal site-Q Callahan.  So much anticipation building to this historic occasion.  Callahan’s last Q at DZ was January 6th, heck, may have even been his last post at this site.  The calf is so fat now, YHC was planning to roll him to the site.  Alas, it was not meant to be.  While the prodigal son was still a long way off, he sent a GroupMe saying he would not be returning.  The calf will likely die of obesity or old age before we get to celebrate.

YHC and GroupMe superstar Hi-Liter decided to co-Q, and try to salvage the PAX from their disappointment.  17 PAX, No FNGs, one lonely site Q and we were off.

Warmup (Hi-Liter) - Pledge of Allegiance - Mixed Run around the Pickle - Circle up for 35 merkins, happy jacks, windmills, fazio arm circles (special grip), overhead claps, IW.

Thang Hi-Liter - Four Corners Escalator: 10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 Cherry Bombs, 30 CDDs, 40 Tin Mans. - Double apple sauce around the field. - Another set of 10 Bobby Hurleys, 20 Cherry Bombs, 30 CDDs, 40 Tin Mans in reverse order. - Another lap of double apple sauce. - Back to the flag Largemouth - Run to the basketball court, partner up. - Half Dora, 50 burpees, 100 hand release merkins, 150 sumo squat jumps.  Run is around the Pickle (TM). - One the basketball court end line, P1 BTTW, P2 suicide.  Flap jack.

Mary Hi-Liter - The ABC’s of Mary, with follow-up 6 inch leg hold - Various stretches.

COT – Count – 17, Name-o-rama – Announcements – Haven House Raffle – Prayer Requests – Hi-Liter’s father. – Hi-Liter took us out.

NMS – It is a little crazy the similarities between Hi-Liter and Hotspot - Michigan, standard winke, eccentric exercises. – However, BB writing is easy when you co-Q with a winke wielder.  They just hand you the winke and you are good to go. - Burt was full of mumble chatter.  Surprise. - 2 Q’s for YHC in as many days, very Riptide. - MIAGD!

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