17 PAX were led through the mean streets of Cary at B.O.  YHC with the Q, a virgin one at that.

With temps above 60, Hank Top Thursday was in full effect.  RESPECT BURT graced us with his presence, along with his bag of gently used hanks.  Shirts were changed and we were off.

Warm Up:

  • Mosey down Waldo, for an extended jog to the main circle at Fidelity.  Butt Kickers and High Knees were added to the mosey to ensure all PAX were limber for the HALF special…more to come
  • SSH, Cotton Pickers, Standard Merkins….In cadence x15……REST(YHC could not remember to say “Recover”, luckily I had plenty of Crafty Veterans to correct me…Felt like I was in the movie “Office Space” talking about TPS reports)…but anywho
  • Standard Merkins led in to a Plank Hold…YHC added a new stretch element thanks to BOX JUMP(RALEIGH PAX) Trying to explain would cause this BB to blow up, you can ask me about the stretch later
  • After our special stretch we held a CHILLCUT, with a 10 count from each PAX until our elbows were good and bloody.
  • 20 Penalty Burpees OYO for our latecomers


  • PRISONER MOSEY to the Fountain of Youth (standard mosey, with your hands beyond your head, AKA the Peacock)
    • Mumble chatter was at an all time low with the new mosey format.  You could hear the birds chirping, the gentle breeze rustling the leaves, and the heavy breathing of our F3 Brothers
  • HALF special
    • PAX circled up the the Fountain of Youth with bewildered faces after their first Prisoner Mosey.  YHC instructed the PAX to partner up
    • Partner one to perform exercises, while partner two sprinted to bottom of the hill and back.  Flip Flop, exercises below are in total
      • H- Hand Release Burpees(HRBS) 50 count
      • A- American Hammer, 5o count each side
      • L- Lt. Dans, 50 count
      • F- Fairy Kicks, 50 count
  • Once complete, Derkins on the Fountain of Youth, to failure.  Upon failure, run to the bottom of the hill and back.  Squat hold while we wait for the 6.
  • PRISONER INDIAN RUN, the prisoner theme continues with a noticeable amount of grumbling from the fellow PAX.  YHC was starting to worry that a revolt may be in order, but decided to push on…..
    • PIR continued from the fountain of youth, to walnut street, down the hill, left on walker street, and ended at the parking lot adjacent to the WALL.
  • Continued Partner Work…
    • Partner 1 in wall sit, while Partner 2 sprinted to the far trash can, 10 LBC’s and sprinted back, flip flop   x2
    • Partner 1 balls to the wall, while Partner 2 sprinted to the far trash can, 10 WWII’s and sprinted back, flip flop x1(audible)
  • With time running short, and mumble chatter at an all time low, the PAX left the WALL for their final PRISONER MOSEY to Waldo St.
  • After picking up the 6, PAX members form 3 Flights for Billy Runs up the hill.


  • Heavy breathing and tired PAX, including YHC.
    • Werewolf, 6am workout on Saturday….90 minutes!!  Contact Kitty for more info
    • F3 Hats in final production phase…Iron and Black color scheme leading the way
    • There may have been more….sorry
  • Prayers
    • WKRP’s Family
    • Water Wing’s Co Worker
    • Hi-Liter’s Dad
    • YHC led the PAX out

I have been coming to F3 since July 17th 2017, and needless to say, I was over due for a Q.  The experience was truly one of a kind, and cannot believe I waited so long to LEAD.  Thanks for all that came out!

See also