Prime time

Not that type of Prime.

Warm up

1 x jog around the pickle. (Is 1 a prime? Apparently not - we’ll get to that later).

19 x SSH: At this point things started to get rocky. Lots of mumblechatter spread evenly between the 5 other PAX clouded their counting ability.

7 reverse lunges per side: Rockier. Should have said stay one one leg for 7 then switch.

11 tempo merkins, 3 down 1 up. Went surprisingly well given the preceding two exercises.

13 mountain climbers in cadence.

Thing 1

7 x pickle strides: Increased pace on the way up, relaxed jog round the corners and down the hill.

Mosey down to the bridge.

Thing 2

Split the group into two on the basis of available headlamps.

Group 1: Rock your bodies

Group 2: Head to the base of the steps, up the steps, back to bridge crossing.

Switch over, complete 5 times.

Thing 3

Head to shelter to do:

7 erkins

7 dips

7 reverse lunges per leg (went marginally better this time round)


Head back to flag for:

23 American hammers

23 Freddie Mercuries


No announcements.

Prayers for Banjo’s daughter and for all those going through tough times in the job market.


“Is 1 prime?” Pierogi asked this on lap 3 of Thing 2. YHC took this as a clear invitation to introduce the “Barber on the island” paradox…

On an island there is one barber. The barber shaves every man that does not shave themselves. Everyone else shaves themself. Does the barber shave himself?

If he does, he breaks the rule because the barber shaves those that do not shave themselves. If he does not, then he should because he is supposed to shave those that do not shave themselves.

Does this have anything to do with “Is 1 prime?”. Probably not, but it was a fun digression that made the climb up the steps go by much faster (for YHC anyway!).

Does it have anything to do with prime numbers? Tangentially, yes. For the link check out the In Our Time podcast covering Goedel’s incompleteness theorem. Great discussions for 45min runs.

See also