Presence in life

A rule YHC learned early was to listen more than talk.  In every interaction with the Carpex PAX I’m inspired.  Today was another one of those times to soak in what others have to share.

Go Time 0530

  • Jog to the Parking Garage and up the steps to the top floor  
  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • Windmill x 15 (IC)
  • Merkins x 10 (IC)
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 (IC)
  • Merkins x 10 (IC)
  • Peter Parkers x 20
  • Parker Peters x 20

Thang One:  

Do to our limited numbers and the plan to have mostly partner work YHC called an audible and we Moseyed to the covered porch.  As it turned out this was great!  YHC had forgotten about the gifts of greatness that the actual site has to offer.  Lately we have been running all around the neighborhood… and wouldn’t ya know it.  There was so much to do!

  • Run to Covered Porch, Box Jumps x 20 (OYO) - squat hold for the 6
  • Run to the Wall by concessions, B2W 2x10 count, then alternating shoulder taps x10
  • Run to Covered Porch, Box Jumps x 20 (OYO) - squat hold for the 6
  • Run to the Wall by concessions, B2W 2x10 count, then alternating shoulder taps x10
  • Run to Covered Porch, Box Jumps x 20 (OYO) - squat hold for the 6
  • Box Jumps x 20 (OYO) - squat hold for the 6
  • B2W 2x20 count, then alternating shoulder taps

Thang Two:

Run the lake trail at YHC max pace… still battling a knot in the calf.  Sorry to slow ya down today.

  • 1st intersection 10 Burpees OYO
  • Cont run around lake
  • 2nd intersection 10 Burpees OYO

This is where the Q went nuts and we nearly fell off the rails.  

  • Backwards run up the hill to the office parking lot
    • dang ! it sounded easy when YHC said it…. 

Zero communication from the PAX at this point, YHC was concerned they were bored after the backwards run up the hill.  So…

  • Run down the high fluent neighborhood hill for more burpees
  • 5 burpee OYO
  • Run up the high fluent neighborhood hill for more burpees
  • 5 burpee OYO
  • Back down the big hill to the lake
  • Continue around the lake then back towards the covered porch
  • Pit stop along the way for some Urkins x 10 IC
  • Run to Covered Porch, Box Jumps x 20 (OYO) - squat hold for the 6
  • Run to the Wall by concessions, B2W 2x10 count, then alternating shoulder taps x10
  • Head to the parking lot for Mary


  • LBC x 50 (IC)
  • Plank hold
  • Plank hold Right arm up with a x 10 cross (up/down arm)
  • Plank hold Left arm up with a x 10 cross (up/down arm)
  • Hommer to Marge x 20 (IC)
  • Merican Hammers x 25 (IC)


F3 2.0 June 17th - Bond Park Community Center (not Senior Center) Bring your kids and have a great time!

Prayer Requests

Chanticleer’s father fell off a ladder this weekend and injured himself pretty bad, fractured back etc - prayers for a swift recovery.  YHC will soon be traveling with the family abroad for 3 weeks - prayers for safe travels.  Fluoride took us out with a great message.

Naked Moleskin

YHC has been inspired by so many of the Carpex PAX.  The backblast from Cali helped YHC put perspective into life, family, work etc.  The F2 from all has provided comfort from the work-burnout and words of wisdom about fatherhood.  One would think that 15 years as a dad it would get easier… nah, it just gets real important to be present.  The presence we can have in the lives of our family, coworkers and F3 Brotherhood matters.  How are we approaching the day and conversations? Every interaction matters.   After a great weekend where YHC took the advice from our PAX to be present, not just in proximity but in presence.  Being part of what they were doing, what they wanted to do.  Today YHC woke up refreshed and ready to attack the day.  YHC was inspired to be in the presence and lead great men today.

Thank you all for being the influence YHC needs

See also