Pre-measure... then measure twice

Looking up stretches and yoga exercises last night, I realized that more “experts” (read: Runners World and similar publications) suggest that one should stretch BEFORE a run as much as AFTER. Yes with Measure Twice (and pretty much all other F3 workouts) what little stretching happens, happens after. Sure, there may be some SSH and GM’s for a warm up, but with most of the Hi-Tempo and Running workouts, that’s a rarity.

So for today’s edition of Measure Twice, we, well, Measured Thrice.


A short set (~8 minutes) of dynamic stretching exercises focusing on the calves, hamstrings, thighs, groin and glutes. I have no idea if we did them long enough or often enough, but we did them. Hopefully the next Q improves on this practice.

Measure Once:

3.8 mile run at a fairly fast pace. Schroeder and Bolton stayed behind for some slower action around the pond. The Departed wanted to see what the run was like… but departed for the pond soon after. The remaining five gazelles put in a sub-8 pace for just shy of four miles.

Measure Twice:

Twenty minutes of yoga mostly in the plank-related position.


8 PAX. Good conversation. No gas.

Announcements: fair amount of talk about CSAUP and Squatter’s CSAUP-worthy announcements in the #Running channel.

Prayers: A family at FUMC who lost their son to an overdose this weekend.

YHC took us out.

See also