Pre-CSAUP: A stretch, some lunges, and proper hydration

On the eve of the Carpex Odyssey, YHC was left to ponder at what level to push the PAX on this fine October morning. Knowing that a good stretch, and hydration were essential, YHC set out to deliver a well-rounded “beatdown” in hopes that lactic acid would be pushed out of the PAX legs and arms, and that those participating in Saturday’s CSAUP would be well lubricated for the event. And with that, Coach Kitty was on the Q for:


  • Mosey from the lot to the field where a shovel flag and cooler await the PAX
  • On the way, first exercise is the 5 second water drink from the fountain, OYO. Gotta hydrate, fellas. #CarpexCSAUP
  • Good mornings
  • Hillbillies
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Merkins
  • Sir Fazios (front and back)
  • Imperial walkers

Thang(ish) 1 (from the end line to the flag, and the flag to the endline)

  • 5 burpees, toe touchers
  • 5 burpees, butt kickers
  • 5 burpees, karaoke
  • 5 burpees, karaoke switchola (right Hi-Liter)
  • 3 wolverines

Thang 2 (starting at the flag)

  • Lunge to corner 1 for 25 merkins and 25 squats
  • Lunge to flag
  • Lunge to corner 2 for 25 (rock) curls, 25 press, 25 tricep, 25 rows
  • Lunge to flag
  • Lunge to corner 3 for 25 diamond merkins and 25 partner shoulder press (helluva view, keep your eyes up)
  • Lunge to flag
  • Lunge to corner 4 for 25 LBC (in cadence) 25 hand release merkins
  • Mosey to the end line
  • Super skip to the flag
  • 5 step lunge and squat to the end line
  • Low and slow to the flag, then half speed, into full speed to the endline

Mary and a stretch c/o Hi-Liter:

  • Low slow flutter
  • Side plank crunchy thingy (very technical)
  • Imperial walker
  • Stretch routine


Announcements: The usual (see any other BB)


  • Praise and prayers for Hi-Liter’s dad, Mark and his ongoing cancer/chemo updates. Prayers for healing hands and strength.
  • St. Sebastian, pray for us (see more in NMS).
  • YHC took us out.


YHC took a moment to share about St. Sebastian, the patron Saint of athletes. YHC felt compelled to share his story given the pending Odyssey. PAX can easily google St. Sebastian to learn more if they are go inclined, but in a nutshell, he was known for his enthusiastic devotion to his faith, so much so that he was ordered to be killed for his faith. They tied him to a tree and hurled arrows into his body. Because of his physical fitness and faith, he was not killed (they then beat him to death). The prayer reads:

You chose to be a soldier of Christ and dared to spread the faith.  Your body, however, proved athletically strong and the executing arrows extremely weak. May athletes be always as strong in their faith as their Patron Saint so clearly has been.

So with that, attack the day with an enthusiasm unknown to man, and go crush that CSAUP tomorrow!

Oh, and I hope the Hello Kitty waters were a nice touch.

See also