Pre-Blast was the ultimate fire starter. Yoga Mat is the benchmark.


PAX: Capt Jack, Yoga Mat, Butterfly, Build-A-Bear, Hoppin John, Easy Bake, Netscape, Smokey, Oofta, Adjacent, Lite Brite, Chipper, Term Paper, Greenbow, Stetson, Staubach, WWW

My goal as I work at Q’ing at least once a week is not being predictable. I got a DM from @Yoga Mat wanting to know or get a glimpse of what I had developed. Here is the DM play by play:

Yoga Mat: Good day Sir!  Is there anything you would like for me to include in the pre-blase for FWD for tomorrow?

Me: None … I like to keep everyone guessing on what I may do.

Yoga Mat: sounds good to me

Me: FYI - full body concept. There will be limited running for those that are running challenged and running for those who like running. I’m not biased and will tailor to all fitness levels.

Yoga Mat: Bring board games!  OK, got it!

A few minutes later in a pre-blast on 1stF, Yoga got his writing juices flowing and hammered out an awesome pre-blast. Yoga Mat so eloquently wrote on 1stF: When I asked @WWW what he had planned for FWD, the AO at the bottom of all the hills, his answer was typical, “ah shucks, you know I have wonky knees.  Maybe I’ll ask everyone to bring their favorite board games and a headlamp.  BTW, I really like Chutes and Ladders”.  My advice to everyone thinking about posting at FWD is to Q shop somewhere else.  Even if @Frisco has the Q, go there.  Anywhere but FWD.  @WWW will bring a full body workout.  Runners will be taxed, Not-so runners will be taxed.  Everyone will feel like the 6 - but as this is a @WWW Q, you will not be left behind! This is a Q who gives everyone an opportunity to push themselves while preaching TEAM over us.  Wednesday, you will discover new and unique places of pain.  It will be wonderful!

A 2ish mile EC run kicks off at 5:05.  Generally there is a 3 ish EC run at 5 but watch this space for someone to set that up right @Oofta, @Staubach or @Captain Jack ?

Yes, there will be Trunk Coffee. [end of pre-blast DM]

With that special advertisement, now I really needed to step up my game. I scoured the exicon for some unique but challenging exercises / routines. This is what went down.

No FNGs. F3 adminstrivia completed. Pledged Our Allegiance to Old Glory and country. Off we went for limited run to the other parking lot by the pavilion to circle up for warm-ups.

Warm-ups: GMs with some good hamstring stretches (left ankle then center, then right ankle). calf stretch in plank position. After a little stretch QIC called Eskimo merkins for 5. Switch feet and 5 more Eskimos. Feet together and 5 more Eskimo merkins.

Mosey to the top of the parking lot for the thang.

QIC introduces the Crowd Pleaser. I added a mosey around the pickle so the runners can get their mileage. Whoever came up with the name, he vanbousaled us. This was no Crowd Pleaser.

Crowd Pleaser [exicon definition] is essentially a Merkin followed by a Groiner, but done as a pyramid. For regular men, going from 1:1 (1 Merkin and 1 Groiner) to 4:4 (4 Merkins followed by 4 Groiners) and back down to 1:1 may be a challenge, but average F3 men should go from 1:1 up to 5:5 and back down to 1:1 to truly enjoy the moment (at total of 25 reps of each). Working up to a 6:6 pyramid is an admirable goal for the Sugar Rays in the PAX… going any higher is not advised unless you have good disability insurance. The spin to the Crowd Pleaser is the run between each set. 1:1 run. 1:1 + 2:2 run, 1:1+ 2:2 + 3:3 run, etc. to 5 and then back down … BRUTAL.

Thang 2 was rock work100s … team up into 3. Partner 1 choses ego rock. He does full curls for gurls and then press … AMRAP until the flap jack. Partner 2 swaps out with partner 1 after lap 1. Partner 3 and 1 continue the run. Partner 3 flap jacks with partner 2. Partner 1 & 2 continue the run. Repeato until the team reaches 100.

Thang 3 is same run routine except 1 lap backwards run, then on lap 2 normal run. Rock work is WWII with the rock for 100. Once everyone was done, we mosey back to the flag.

Circle up for Burp and Merk

1st burpee and do 1 merk, 2nd burpee and 2 merkins, 3rd burpee and 3 merkins, etc. to 10.

Mary (PAX favorite for 10 reps)

Have a nice day.

Count-a-rama: 17



Prayers / Praises: For those with cancer and are fighting it. Praises for a great life.

BOM: Chipper led us out.


6th Man was Easy Bake. He praised the HIMs for keeping him going.

Exicon is filled will all sorts of challenging exercises. What I did while researching what to build, I tried the exercise and if it was tough but yet attainable to complete, it was what I bring to the table.

Challenge yourself each day. You will only get stronger and better.

You HIMs are a blessing. Working out with you in the gloom is the standard. Going to the gym to work out is not invigorating to me.

Thank you for letting me lead you through the beatdown. I hope it was challenging enough.

See also