Pre-Blast: GORUCK Challenge 6/1/18


At its heart, GORUCK Tough is a team-building event. You show up with a group of strangers (or brothers) and get formed into a cohesive team by someone who’s “been there and done that.” This video is probably the best way to sum it up without giving too much away. Going through the crucible with your F3 brothers is a powerful experience - ask any of our PAX who’ve ever done so.

This event is a public event (open to anyone) so will be filled with both F3 PAX and other Raleigh-area ruck enthusiasts as well as newcomers. I’ve found that doing open events like this can be powerful in different ways from an F3-only event. If we get significant interest, we’ll look into doing a CARPEX-led custom event soon.

This is also a special event commemorating D-Day. Historical events are always very well-done. I guarantee you’ll learn something other than how much fun it is hauling a 600lb log around.


We will train together. No man left behind. This will include Rolling Stone as well as some practice extended ruck sessions to let you shake out your gear and figure out what works.

The Pathfinder Ruck Training program is also excellent, and I anticipate several PAX will participate leading up to the event. F3 PAX Dora (yes, of 1-2-3 fame) runs Team Spearhead, so you know it’s first-class.


The published price of this GORUCK Tough Challenge is $70 through 3/4/18, when it starts to increase. There is an additional $15 insurance fee which is mandatory. We do have an F3 discount; see the signup process below to take advantage.

HC by following this link and clicking all the way through:

When you’re done, you should have an email from GORUCK confirming your order.

We will likely put together some extra goodies for the F3 PAX at a nominal cost.


The most frequent question asked when an F3 group begins to look into doing the Challenge is “do I need to buy a $300 backpack”. The short answer is no. A GORUCK ruck is not required (FYI: the Rucker model goes on sale from time-to-time for around $100). Also, many guys pick up second-hand rucks at Army surplus stores, eBay, or Craigslist.

Another option is to Tweet with the hashtag #LendARuck and tag the @F3_Rucking account in your tweet asking for a ruck, and someone from the F3Nation will answer the call (kinda like the Bat Signal) and ship you his ruck to use. In return, you’ll wash it and send it back to him with a sweet F3 Lend-A-Ruck patch.

Besides a ruck, you’ll need some bricks for weight, a headlamp, reflective PT belt, and a hydration bladder.

See my Rucking 101 post here for more.


What are your questions at this time?