Pre-blast: 3/24/18 Ruck for CoopStrong


Ruck 4 miles, weight standards 30#, or 20# if you weigh 150 or less.


In parallel with Phoenix, 3/24/18. Step off 0630, aim to be back by COT. 15min/mile is a brisk walk. We’ll pick an Insomnia route around the park. #youcandoit


This is a fundraiser supporting CoopStrong, the charity organization dedicated to the memory of Papa Smurf. There’s a physical race being put on in Greenville NC, but for those of us here in Carpex there’s a “virtual ruck” option. $25 entry fee gets you a patch and goes to a good cause.


Sign up here:  - It’s the last option on the list.

Tell Bartman you’re in and he’ll get patches ahead of time.