POTT to Puff

YHC started with two t-shirts and a sweatshirt on this fine March morning, and quickly transitioned to a tank top. When TTT calls, you answer. Just as you do when two of our finest Site Q PAX call - you ANSWER.

9… make it 10 PAX gathered at 5:45 for what on the surface appeared to be a BO-farewell Q for our outgoing compadre Coxswain. Little did we know, there was a secret plan being cooked up for a Passing Of The Torch for the ages.

Saban lingered to scoop up Callahan, and the rest of the PAX SCORCHED up Waldo to Fidelity Circle for a Burt-led warmup of

?? / Steve Earle / Standard Merkin / Calf Your Stretch / SFAC / rSFAC / Moroccan Nightclubs / Cherry Pickers / Standard Merkins

I’m missing stuff there. We went for about 8 minutes. Impressive.

Follow Coxswain down Academy, stopping for Squats, Star Jumps, Monkey Humpers until we reach the CES lot.

Gather at the center island for some ’trace the diagonal, return to the home’ four corners. Alternate Bear Crawls on the way out/Lungewalks on the way in and do a different set at each corner. Round 1 is 20 Merkins, 15 Squats, 20 LBCs, and 10 Burpees. Round 2 is 10 Squat Jumps, 10 Peter Parker Merkins, 10 SPSCs, and… 10 Burpees. Gather back at the island… and torch the pass.

Follow JP back to Academy and do 10 American Hammers. Cross the street and return to Waldo, performing 5 squats at each lightpole. Work back to the Post Office lot for a quick Mini Double 7s. One side is Plankjacks and Urkins, the other side is Flutterkicks and Frogups. On the nose. Back to the flag.

At the flag, Boatcanoes till the bell. THAT’S IT.

COR/NOR - 4 Respects, 6 Meh


Welcome JP as the new co-site Q of BO. We only made it balder.

New 3rd F stuff incoming, be ready.


Lots of stuff falling into place for the Swain crew.
Loom’s daughter approaching final week.
Pet Sounds.

CS took us out.


I didn’t see what I was insinuating in the title of this BB until I reworked it a couple times, but it leans apropos in retrospect, since my first BO post was with Open Out on 4/20. Open Out getting shouts all over the webz this AM.

I’ve dodged the site Q responsibility for over 4 years now, so it was about time. But BO??? Truly an honor. Although our westward expansions tend to draw the big numbers, we can’t forget where we came from. I think the real challenge here is to get more East-Cary EHs. Not sure what kind of tactics are necessary. Actually, a dude on my team from work just moved IT(C)B, so time to pepper in those hints.

I have so many cheese puffs that it would be impossible to not try the coffee dipped variety. Shipyard is a renaissance man.

Real questions though. Will BO table coffee continue? Will we coerce BREW to wake up earlier? EARLY MORNING DUMPLINGS AT TAIPEI 101?? FINALLY PURCHASING COFFEETERIA CONDO??? We gots work to do.

Serious props and many blessings to Coxswain - it’s been awesome getting to know you and work out with you over the last few years. We’re gonna miss you bigtime, and TN is getting a great one. More farewells to ensue over the coming week.

Funfact, although it was the elder brother Water Wings that EH’d me on that fateful 2017 morning, it was Coxswain that I met up with at a concert in Tampa in 2018. The man has excellent music taste.

Thank you all, and MIAGD.

See also