Post-Thanksgiving Turkey Trot

3 PAX emerged from their turkey hangovers to post at DZ today.  IT was 28 degrees, so low number didn’t surprise me.  YHC later learned it was close to being PAX of one…………..Banjo had HC’d to SWW however Mr. Brown slowed him down this morning and he would not have made it there in time.  Chanticleer wasn’t feeling well the night before but decided to set his alarm anyway.  Thankfully he felt better.  With only 3, the local beat down plan was shelved for another time.  This was a running group, so time for the resurgence of Cary Run Club (trademarked by Ollie).

We ran 4 miles or so, stopping for merkins, squats, irkins, LBCs, burpees, dead squats and other stuff.  Solid pace this morning and great fellowship!

Thanks for allowing me to lead.

See also