Possum Trout

15 HIM gathered together in the early morning gloom expecting a Hi-Liter beatdown. Unfortunately our favorite ZZ Top tribute band member was under the weather and asked YHC to step in for him. Big shoes to fill, so let’s get to it.

PAX 16 Bit Banana Seat Black Knight (hate) Breech Disco Duck Favre Fedex Florence Fram Frisco Gamecock Gump (Respect) Hardy (hate) Howard (Respect) LED Sugar

Warm-Up Mosey down to the area between the softball fields and circle up for imperial walkers, Sir Fazios, cherry pickers, burpees and good mornings.

Frisco snuck in somewhere between the burpees and good mornings. Classic Frisco.

The Thang Mosey up Fayetteville Street for a loop around the tennis courts, with ascending merkins at each light pole, followed by another loop, with descending monkey humpers.

Mosey over to the rock pile and grab yourself and Ego Rock for 22’s. 21 rock yo bodies down here, 1 hand release merkin down there, add/subtract four each trip until we finish with 1 rock yo body and 21 hand release merkins.

Arms need a break, so line up and travel back towards the flag with a three count lunge walk and ascending squats.

Mary Circle up and pax call American hammers, pickle pounders, box cutters, flutter kicks and Frisco burpees.

COT Count-a-rama:  16 Name-a-rama:  2 RESPECT, 12 meh, 2 HATE, 1 well lit dog Prayers / Praises:  Spoken and unspoken prayers lifted up BOM:  YHC took us out

NMS I tried to make this workout as Hi-Litery as possible. When we were finished my arms and legs were smoked. Just like he was there. Feel better, brother.

Thanks to Frisco for counting the ascending squats, and thanks to the South Wake pax who kept reminding him what number we were on.

I can’t confirm this story, but I heard that Possum Trot is the OG South Wake AO, and will celebrate it’s eight anniversary this year. It’s a great spot, I’d post here more than once a year if it was a little closer, and if they paved the parking lot.

By the way, whoever called pickle pounders is a jerk.

Please forgive the title and image, I know it’s Possum TROT, not Possum TROUT, but I always seem to type it wrong, and that image is pretty badass.

I just love Q Swap Week and spending time in the gloom with our South Wake neighbors. Thanks for letting me lead.

Make It A Great Day!

See also