Pop-up VQ and a Bridge to Far

May 29, 2018

So… YHC is prepping for bed and setting the alarm for the next morning’s workout, when he checks his Slack (new to the app by about 4 days) and notes McCants asking for a sub…so what’s a HIM do but say “I got this”… and so goes the Pop-up VQ.

Backstory: Build-a-Bear, one day that March, over an adult beverage (of course) says something crass like “you should come out to F3… even you can do it…”.   And so it began.

10 weeks later YHC is supposed to lead 8 other B-HIMs (Buff High Impact Men) on a workout.  Right…  so goes nothing.


Circle up, give the F3 quick talk (no FNG’s) and mosey round to the circle with the big concrete balls for Good Morning, Hillbilly, Merkins, Plank Jacks, SS Hops.

Then…the VQ (that’s me) calls an Indian Run (in the dark) to the Bridge.  An Indian Run.  In the dark.  Right…

Footnote: Callahan is on the Disabled List this week (I had no awareness as a VQ apparently) so in an embarrassing and inexcusable abuse of command, I unintentionally left him behind.  Thank you for the fellas who pointed this overt error to my attention…

The Thang

Random Thought: So, there’s this bridge across US 1/64 in Cary that I witnessed in construction some 15 or so years ago.  Never imagined that I’d ask grown men to crawl across it in the dark.  It’s over about 8 lanes of traffic. It’s long.

Form up, wait for the six and partner up for pull ups on the bridge fence (one of the best exercises by the way, we men can do for shoulders, but one of these days the Cary cops are gonna ask us to stop doing this over live traffic).

Gather the PAX… and now VQ is making it up, I admit, but here it went.

Bear Crawl across the bridge (yes, all the way); merkins; Bear Crawl back; Squats

Observation: The PAX were unhappy with VQ at this point, and my shoulders really, really hurt. Term Paper politely pointed out that it might be more appropriate in another attempt to mix in another exercise, perhaps at the halfway point.   I think he was correct.

Run to the other side.  Partner up and shuttle runs down and back the spiral ramp with various abs until enough.

Lunge walk down the spiral ramp; squat hold for the six

(yes, another) Indian Run back to the Rock Pile (sorry Callahan, I really am)

Rock Pile: Curls, Presses, Triceps, then we did a birthday present rock exchange (give the rock to someone else) and did it again.

Mosey to the Flag


This day we were celebrating Build-a-Bear’s birthday (plus or minus a day) and so (because his given name is Bart) ended with a proper Homer to Marge…to “Happy Birthday”


Count-a-rama:  9 Name-a-rama:  YHC Bayonne, Netscape, Build-a-Bear, Oofta, Joe Smith, Term Paper (Respect), Large Mouth, Callahan, Chanticleer,

Prayers / Praises:  God & Country (sorry fellas, can’t recall specifics)

YHC took us out

Humbled and honored by the opportunity to lead.