Polishing our guns in the Animal Kingdom

A new Pax record set for tortoises today with 9 hearty souls. Staying true to the Tortoise reputation, we started off at 05:30 sharp with 10 burpees OYO, followed by 20 WW2s Then the warm up 15 - GM, 15 - Hillbilly, Sir Fazio - 20 each way - 10 little, 10 bigger reverse Over to the curb for some quick feet x30 and then The Thang Welcome to Animal Kingdom Run across the parking lot, crab walk back Backwards run, backwards crab Karaoke – duck walk Again – facing other direction - duck walk return Side shuffle – bear crawl Again – facing other direction – crawl bear Lunge walk – frog hop – Backwards lunge – frog hop Run - bunny hop Backwards run - bunny hop Having seen enough animals for now - we moved on (no cockroach, gorilla, monkey, Homer to Marge - yet)

Grab 2 cores and meet back under the street light. First exercise - Colt 45s - to polish your guns. If you dont know what this is - look it up in the exicon. (I have never seen Ma Bell do this in public but it is likely part of his private routine) Then - overhead press x20, rock row x20, flys (another animal) x15, tricep extensions x15 Next – take your cores over to the church for Wonderbra - x20, recover then Peoples chair hammers x 20 Quick stampede around the parking lot then repeato x 15

Back to the street light at the bottom of the parking lot for another round of Colt 45s and return your cores. Back to the street light Plank in a circle - 10 LBCs 1 at a time around plank circle Chilcut - 5 - dying cockroach (animal) around circle Homer to Marge - x15 - Khakis was convinced this was an animal exercise so this was done at his request - something about some animal documentaries he has been watching that focus on mating activities…. Finally - to bring it back to the Tortoise signature move - 10 burpees OYO, WWIIs until we hit 6:15 - (did about 30)

COT Announcements - Banjo looking to clown car 5/20 to Birmingham related to F3 launch - please let him know if you can come, May 6 - Convergence and Cookout

Prayers - M Sputnick, Ma Bell - health concerns, Khaki’s - workload - covering for low staff numbers and not spending time with family

YHC took us out. Tortoise motto - slow and steady with purpose Thanks men

See also